How Jake Would Be When You Give Birth.

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~ He'd be panicking first of all. He got you into this mess and it's partly his fault that you're in pain because of the baby but you assure him constantly it's not his fault.

~He cries at the first sight of your baby. He never thought he would have a family of his own but when you told him you were pregnant? He bawled his eyes out.

~When Jake held the baby for the first time , his world stopped. He looked down at the tiny human in his arms and smiled softly. "Hi little one~ it's your papa" he'd whisper kissing their little head.

~Jake let you hold his hand during the birth. Yes you may have almost broken his hand with your impressive pregnancy strength , he was terrified of you at that moment.

~He'd let a few Spanish phrases slip along with curse words as he got nervous , you decided to keep the gender a secret and it made him anxious.

~ He was the one to give them their first bath. Their little head being cradled by his hand and his other hand rubbing their little tummy gently with a wash cloth.

~ This man literally went out and bought MORE baby clothes. He used the excuse that you didn't bring enough clothes for the baby so he spent most of his money on baby clothes.

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