Jake Lockley

962 29 37

Warning : Angst , Swearing , mentions of sexual activity , slight violence.
Summary : You and Jake decide to go out for the night , but some guy ends up getting a little too handsy with you and Jake doesn't like people touching what's his.

You hummed softly drying your hair from having just gotten out of the shower. Jake was still in the shower and you had started getting ready. A few moments later , Jake stepped out only wrapped in a towel and the sight of his bare , toned torso caused you to stop your actions and admire him in the reflection. "Damn.." you whispered biting your lip slightly. 'She's staring...' Marc spoke inside the reflection. Jake smirked and headed over to you leaning down and kissing your cheek softly. "You like the view huh?" He whispered in your ear , you giggled slightly "Maybe I do Mr Lockley.~" you said back. "Maybe? I feel offended" He joked , you scoffed and turned around facing him and stood up. "You know I love seeing you like this so shut up." You said messing about with his hair. Next thing you know you were being thrown onto the bed with Jake hovering over you slightly with one of his hands still holding onto the towel whilst the other one was beside your head on the pillow. "Now now , enough of this bratty attitude." Jake spoke kissing your neck softly. "Or what?" You challenge. You felt him smirk before he decided to roll his hips into yours slightly making you gasp.

"Or I'll have no choice to fuck it out of you Mi Amour~" Jake whispered pecking your lips and getting up from the bed going to the wardrobe. You huffed and sat up grabbing your makeup bag quickly doing your makeup before sitting back down at your dressing table where your hair straighteners were plugged in. "Leave it down , I want something to pull on later~" Jake spoke up. You blushed instantly starting to straighten your hair. Once you had finished , Jake was fully dressed and just sat waiting for you. You looked through the options and smirked softly looking at Jake who was playing on  his phone and pulled out your favourite new dress slipping it on. You sprayed your favourite perfume and grabbed your purse before walking in front of the couch. "You ready yet baby? Because... holy fuck." Jake said looking up at you. You giggled softly and he stood up wrapping his arms around you tightly. "Are you trying to kill me?" Jake asked leaning his forehead against yours. "No" you said giggling. He hummed. "Wearing that dress? Clinging to every single curve on the right place of your body... Babyyy" Jake whines softly.

You leaned forward and kissed him moving your hands to the back of his neck. Jake kissed you back instantly moving his hands up and down your body stopping at the hem of your dress , his fingers going beneath the material slightly. "Ah ah~ later" you said pulling away panting slightly. Jake sighed realising he wasn't gonna win and stood up straight. "Let's go then baby" He said leading you both out of the door and to the nearest club. You made it there and Jake made sure he had a tight hold on your hand as you walked over to the bar. Jake ordered your drinks and decided to sit in a booth that was near the bar and sighed. "What's wrong?" You asked playing with his hair over the loud music. "Too many guys staring... I don't like it." He said looking at you. You smiled softly and pecked his lips and he placed his hand on your thigh stroking the gap between the hem of the dress. "Baby.., you know I'm not interested in them right? I only want you" you told him. Jake smirked. "None of them would be able to please you as well as me." He added. You laughed taking a sip of your drink nodding. "You're not wrong, I'm gonna run to the bathroom but I'll be back." You said getting up. Jake nodded and sipped on his beer whilst you went to the bathroom.

You were on your way back when this old creepy dude stepped in front of you. "Hi angel face" they slurred , You smiled awkwardly and tried to move past them when they stopped you. "It's rude not to reply when someone gives you a compliment." They said. "No offended but I don't know you." You said. "Are you here by yourself?" They asked abruptly. "I don't see how that's any of your business" you spat. They grabbed your wrists tightly and dragged you to the nearest wall. 'Um Jake? You might wanna go over to the bar because someone's currently got YN pinned against the bar and she looks rather uncomfortable.' Steven spoke. At this statement , Jakes head shot up and fair enough Steven was right. "Absolutely fucking not." Jake said getting up and heading over. "Come onnnm come home wit me!" The drunk begged still holding you. You tried shaking them off but they wouldn't budge. "If I was you , I'd get your hands off of my girl before we have a serious problem here buddy." Jake spat standing behind him. The drunk turned around and squared his shoulders trying to appear more scary but hat couldn't compare to Jake. He towered over the drunk easily and smirked at his pathetic attempt.

"She's asking for it. I mean have you seen the way she's dressed! The whore is asking for it" The drunk yelled. 'Oh ho ho , big mistake' Marc spoke. Jake scoffed. "Oh really?" Jake asked , his voice laced with venom. "She's a whore!" The drunk yelled again. Jake swung his fist back and punched the drunk so hard in the face that he actually fell down unconscious. "Don't ever fucking call my girl that again. Next time I'll do a lot fucking more than punch your sorry little ass." Jake spat grabbing your hand and leading you out of the club. Jake refused to speak until you were both back at the apartment. Jake sighed as you closed the door behind you and you walked up behind him. "Babe?" You asked going to touch his shoulder.

Jake instantly grabbed your hand and dragged you towards the bed , throwing you down and instantly hovering above you , pressing his hips against yours. He growled softly and looked down at you with his chain dangling down form his neck. "You see mi amour~, I don't want you to look up at anyone else that way you are looking at me right now." He breathed. You nodded softly and moved your hands around the back of his neck once again.  "I don't want anyone else this close to you" Jake's breath against your skin gave you chills all the way down your spine, He began to softly kiss your neck. Without thinking you leaned your head to the side, giving him full access. His kisses at your collar bone made you shiver. When he kissed the top of your breasts, you could not help thinking that for a dress that upset him so much earlier, he was really taking advantage of the design. A moan escaped your mouth as he brought you back to present with a quick, cool lick over your warm skin. "I don't want you to make those pretty sounds for anyone else." He continued.

You bucked your hips up slightly and felt Jake smirk against your skin as he pinned your hips down before kneeling up to remove his shirt.

"I hope you're ready princesa. Because after tonight, everyone's gonna know who's making you feel so good."

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