You Have Trouble Falling Asleep.

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(This scenario was suggested by AnimeDweeb2020.)

Marc : You sighed ruffling your hair with your hand as you sat up trying not to disturb Marc who was currently sleeping beside you. You quietly got up from the bed and headed out to the balcony of the hotel room you were both staying in. The cool air cooled your body down from the hot temperatures of the room and you sighed softly closing your eyes. Muscular arms wrapped around you from behind and his head tucked itself into your neck. His bare chest pressed against your back as his arms warmed you up a little bit. "What are you doing up baby?" Marc asked his voice laced with sleep, "I can't sleep again... I came out here so I didn't wake you up." You whispered turning to face him. Marc smiled softly and pecked your lips stroking your cheek. "If my princess can't sleep then I'm staying up with her."

Steven : You huffed slightly tossing and turning within your shared bed. Steven was still up since he couldn't sleep most nights anyway. "Are you alright love?" Steven asked seeing you sit up. You shook your head softly and he got up and walked over to you and sat in front of you. "What's wrong?" He asked stroking your hand. "I can't sleep... I've tried everything I could think of." You said softly. Steven smiled and picked you up gently and set you down on his lap when he walked over to his desk and sat down in his armchair which positioned you in his lap. "Then I'll read to you until we both fall asleep." He said picking up one of his books beginning to read with that adorable accent of his and it sent you to sleep after ten minutes of listening to him.

Layla : You were still wide awake. And it was pissing you off to the point where you felt too angry to do anything so you just sat there on your phone. Layla walked in at a rather late hour and seen you sat up in the bed and sighed. "Couldn't sleep again could you?" She asked setting her bag down , You shook your head and she instantly headed into bathroom and began running a warm bath for the both of you. "Get your cute butt in here missy!" Layla called , you smiled and waddled into the bathroom seeing the bath and pouted. "Babyy~" you whine, She giggles and helped you strip your clothes off and climbed into the tub with you.

Jake : He felt like something was off with you so once he had parked his cab outside your shared apartment. He instantly ran upstairs and busted through the door and sighed once he seen you cuddled up with a blanket on the couch with the TV glaring at you. "My love , what are you still doing awake huh?" Jake asked walking and sitting beside you. You shrugged and leaned into his warm comforting body and he chuckled softly. "Couldn't sleep without you here.." you said softly. Jake smiles and kisses the top of your head gently. "Well I'm home now my love , you can rest easy." He whispered now stroking your hair. His accent sending you to a soft happy , dream infested sleep as he also fell asleep after getting underneath the blanket.

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