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Warning : Fluff , Marc being an annoying little shit , Mentions of Jake and Steven.


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"FOR THE LOVE OF GOD SHUSH!" You said giggling. Marc smiled victoriously finally having your attention and cuddles into your shoulder pulling the blankets tighter around you both whilst you watched a movie in your shared bed. You played with his curls absentmindedly and heard him hum in relaxation. "You better not fall asleep. It was your idea to watch a movie" you threatened. "Or what? Shorty~" Marc teases poking your side. "I'm gonna throw this pillow so hard off your head , fucking Big Bird will think you're their baby." You threatened playfully. Marc scoffed and poked your side again. "Stop it." You said.


"Marcus." You said in a warning tone. Marc chuckled, He knew you were becoming more and more annoyed with him at the minute and he loved it. You rarely called him Marcus, you only called him that when you were annoyed or severely pissed off with him. "Ooooo Marcus, I'm shaking in my boots (!)" Marc taunted. You looked down at him with the signature 'Keep talking I fucking dare you' look. "I swear one more noise comes out of that mouth , you're gonna get it." You said raising the pillow.

"Marc I think she's being serious , I'd be quiet if I was you." Steven warned.

"Nah nah let him be , It's funny watching her get all fired up like that~" Jake spoke.

Marc nodded and smirked softly as he faced away from you looking at the TV. You set down the pillow and relaxed watching the movie when Marc took a deep breath and decided to scream.

"WAHHHHHHH!" You ended up screaming and falling out of the bed and landing on the carpeted floor as Marc covered his mouth whilst holding in a laugh. "Baby?" He asked peering over the edge when a pillow came flying at him and hit him square in that handsome face of his.

"Good aim!" Steven cheered.
"Ha!" Jake laughed.

"I never knew something so soft could be used as a deadly weapon." He groaned now sitting up and you were at the edge of the bed with your hands on your hips and a very annoyed look on your face. "Oh baby I'm sorry , I didn't mean to scare you." Marc said opening his arms. You didn't say anything except crawling into his lap where he wrapped his arms around your waist as you straddled him. Without him noticing , you slowly grabbed the pillow behind him and smiled at him. "Kiss me." You said. "Don't have to tell me twice." Marc said connecting your lips in a soft kiss closing his eyes. You kissed back and raised the pillow above his head and brought it down hitting him with it multiple times.

"Hey baby! I said I was sorry!" Marc said laughing. "I don't care! You made me fall out of a nice comfy bed!" You yelled hitting him with the pillow again. Marc being Marc, He wrapped his arm around your waist and flipped you both over ripping the pillow from your hands and pinning them against the mattress so he was looking down at you with a smirk. "Who's the tough one now hm?" He said softly. You smiled softly and he leaned down kissing you again. You kissed back and he let go of your hands and you wrapped them around the back of his neck playing with his curls whilst his arms were around your waist holding you to him. You felt his posture change and his grip become more firm and you pulled away slowly.

"Agh! I was enjoying myself then my love~" Jake whined. You blushed softly and Jake sighed flopping down on top of you carefully. "For someone that seems really intimidating and that's all about death , you're rather cuddly~" you said stroking his hair. Jake chuckled softly and nuzzles you slightly. "Even ruthless killers need a cuddle session every now and then." He said. You frowned slightly when he referred to himself as a ruthless killer. "Hey , I don't like it when you talk about yourself or Marc like that... you aren't a ruthless killer. It's that stupid death bird that makes you do it and manipulated you both. I've had it with him , Next time he shows up , I'm gonna shove that staff up his nose." You said. Jake smiles softly and looks up at you from where he was lying and just simply starred at you. "Has anyone ever told you that you're sexy when you get angry?" Jake spoke , You laughed and he sat up pulling you with him. His Hispanic accent was thicker than normal since he was still struggling with his English but he had you to help him thankfully. "I don't see how that's gonna stop me from dealing with that pigeon." You said giggling. Jake smiles and stood up waddling to the kitchen.

Yes Jake is extremely tough and strong , He intimidates everyone around him but when he's around you? He's the biggest soft baby ever! If he's had a tough day , he's instantly cuddling you or laying on your lap as you read him a story. You smiled softly watching him mess around in the kitchen and leaned back on your hands on the bed and sighed softly. You looked over at the fish tank which no longer contained one fish. There was Gus, Mr Bubbles and Nemo. Yes you had three goldfish. One for Steven , Marc and Jake. Can you guess who Mr Bubbles belongs to? The sexy Spanish man currently standing in your shared kitchen. He could've chosen any name but he chose Mr Bubbles. You stood up and sprinkled fish food in the tank and smiled watching the fish eat their food. You felt two arms wrap around you from behind and rested their  head on your shoulder. "I love you so much my love... so much it scares me." Jake said softly. "Why does it scare you?" You asked turning to face him.

"I never thought I was capable of love. I grew up around hate and violence so that's all I've ever known , Every single day , every moment." Marc had taken over at that point as Jake felt like he was gonna break down so Marc took over. His eyes were clouded with tears as you pulled him down slightly so his head could rest in the crook of your neck as you hugged him to you stroking the back of his head. "I never thought I could love somebody until I met you YN. And now I'm terrified we're going to lose you the second we step out of that door." Marc said his voice cracking slightly. It was rare that Marc let his emotions show since he was normally very reserved with his emotions and in general.

"You are my whole life YN. If something happened to you , I'd never forgive myself."

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