Jake Lockley

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( This was suggested by AnimeDweeb2020 , DM me the rest of you ideas guys , don't leave them in the comments.)

Damn you Jake Lockley for leaving the house.

You decided to take a shower once Jake had left and sat down now drying your hair whilst watching one of your favourite shows Star Wars. Your favourite character was obviously Poe because he and the boys shared a striking resemblance. You hummed deciding to straighten your hair once it was completely dry and grabbed your phone now going to lay on the couch with your favourite blanket and your glasses resting comfortably on your face. You giggled at some funny parts in the show and sighed as your tummy growled softly.
You had a sudden craving for your favourite snacks but Jake was out so he couldn't get them for you so you decided to take the matter into your own hands. You got up from the couch and walked over to the kitchen grabbing a chair and placing it next to the cupboard where your snacks were and climbed up opening the cupboard and tapping your finger against the cupboard door trying to pick which snacks you wanted. The chair wobbled slightly but it was an old chair so you thought nothing of it. 

You tried reaching up for your favourite crisps and pouted softly , Your fingers barely brushing the bag , you tried going up onto your tiptoes to try and reach the bag better and the chair wobbled again making you grip the counter. "Why did he have to put them up so far!" You whined still trying to grab the bag. Absolutely nothing was going to stand in the way of you and your snacks. You growled slightly and jumped a tiny bit and eventually managed to grab the bag. You heard a splintering sound beneath you and squeaked as the chair broke preparing for the contact with the hard floor.

"Well I knew you were falling for me baby but I didn't know you'd fall this fast." Jake chuckled managing to catch you just in time. His arms were tightly wrapped around your waist and your arms were covering your chest holding the bag. You pouted and smacked his arm with the bag as he let go of you. "What was that?!" He said chuckling again. "Well if you hadn't have put them on the top shelf , I wouldn't have had to climb you big freaking giant beanstalk." You mumbled slowly eating your crisps on the couch. Jake smiles and sat next to you wrapping an arm around your shoulders. "Aww my little baby I'm sorry, please forgive me , I did just save your life so you're welcome for that." Jake chuckled pecking your cheek. "You're lucky you're handsome Mr otherwise I would've beaten your ass." You mumbled. "You? Beat my ass with those tiny little fists? Don't make me laugh." He began saying before he was interrupted by a soft pillow hitting his face. 

"Oh Mi Amour~ you shouldn't have done that!" Jake yelled laughing and got up from the couch now chasing you skeins the apartment. You laughed as you felt his arms wrap around you and pick you up and spinning you around. "Hey! Put me down!" You wriggled. Jake carries you to the bed and laid you down before laying on top of you and resting his head in the crook of your neck. "No. It's now cuddle time with my little baby and you're gonna like it because I'm not moving." Jake mumbled. You smiled and played with his curls kissing the top of his head.

"I love you , my little love~" Jake mumbled falling asleep.

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