Steven Grant.

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Summary : Basically this is how your morning goes with Steven and little baby Cleo. Also Steven got promoted to tour guide because he fucking deserves it.

You stirred awaking out of your sleep as you heard Steven mumbling to himself. He was pacing back and fourth slightly and you noticed he was holding a small bundle of purple blankets. "Yeah~ Daddy works in a museum where he guides people around and tells them facts about all the exhibits there." Steven said softly to Cleo. "And mummy , she works with Daddy and she's in charge~" he finishes. Yes Donna had quit and you were now in charge. The first thing you did was obviously promote Steven to tour guide. He deserves it since he's passionate about everything and it's his special interest. You smiled softly and Steven turned to face you. "Oh mummy's awake~" Steven said bringing Cleo over to you and sitting beside you on the bed. You giggled as Cleo leaned over to you from her daddy's arms and you took her gently and held her against your chest. "Hi my sweet girl~ sorry I interrupted your conversation with daddy." You said stroking her back. She cooed in your ear and settled down as Steven kissed your cheek softly.

"I didn't wanna wake you up so I made her a bottle and changed her nappy already." Steven said yawning a little bit. You smiled and leaned against him slightly as Cleo looked at you both holding her own head up. She looked so much like her daddy already , you couldn't believe it. The messy brown curls , his soft , kind eyes , his smile. Basically Steven's twin but as a baby and female. "She's perfect." You said softly , "I still can't believe we made her.." Steven chuckled. You smiled and Steven got up declaring that he was gonna make breakfast. You laid Cleo on the bed in front of you and played with her hands letting out laughs at the little baby noises she made. Steven watched you both with a smile on his face. His beautiful wife with his gorgeous daughter. He never pictured this moment growing up. Him having a wife , or having a family. Hell it was only him and Gus for so long so when you came into his life, he wasn't gonna let you leave. When you had told him you were pregnant , He cried happy tears for almost half an hour! After that he took you shopping for everything a baby could possibly need. Now you were here , married with a three month old baby in his bed.

Steven finished making breakfast and volunteered to take Cleo whilst you ate since he had eaten when he woke up. Steven settles Cleo on his chest and smiled as she started playing with his chain. "Oh you like shiny things do you? No don't put it in your mouth darling it's not edible." He said laughing as Cleo had tried putting the chain in her mouth. You giggled watching them as you ate your fruit bowl and drank your coffee and got up to wash your things once you had finished. You hummed softly and turned around only to see Steven watching you with a soft look on his face. "What?" You asked smiling as you walked back over to the bed. He shook his head , "Nothing love." He said. You sat in front of him and he held one of your hands whilst the other hand was on Cleo's back. "Tell me" you said stroking the back of his hand with your thumb. "I love you both , so so much." Steven said. You smiled and leaned forward kissing him softly warning a sound of disapproval from the baby girl laying on his chest. Steven laughed pulling away and looked down at Cleo acting offended. "You know without me kissing mummy , you wouldn't be here right now little lady." He said tickling her , You gasped and smacked his arm playfully as Cleo looked at him confused. Steven laughed and sighed softly.

"What should we do today since it's our day off?" Steven asked stroking Cleo's hair. "I'm not sure , maybe we could just walk around town for the day and go out for dinner?" You suggested. Steven nodded softly , "I like the sound of that."

"STEVEN!, Oh Hello little one , you're so cute , yes you are!" Khonshu had yelled first appearing out of nowhere them cooed at the sight of the small human laying on him. Yes you could see Khonshu and so could Cleo and she giggles. You jumped almost falling of the bed and glared at him. "You big stupid death bird! I swear I'm gonna ram that stick up your two nostrils if you ever scare me like that again." You said threatening him. "Unfortunately, I have to take Steven for the day. I know you're gonna kill me but it's important and I need his help." Khonshu said hiding his staff behind his back knowing you were serious. Steven looked at you sadly and you sighed taking Cleo off of him. "It's fine , we can have our family day next time right?" You asked. Steven nodded and got out of bed standing up and he summoned his suit making Cleo squeal with laughter. "Does Daddy look funny to you darling?" Steven said watching her. Cleo clapped her hands and Khonshu would've smiled at the sight. If he actually had a mouth. You smiled and Cleo reached for her daddy wanting to give him cuddles before he had left. Steven picked her up and hugged her to him and sighed softly.

"I don't wanna leave the two of you alone.. what if something happens?" Steven asked. You were attacked at home whilst you were pregnant with Cleo when Steven was out on a mission. The sight of you passed out and bleeding was enough proof for him that the two of you weren't safe without him. "Babe , we'll be fine alright? I'm sure that stupid pigeon will let you go if I call you." You said standing up and Steven's mask quickly vanished so he could look at you properly. "You promise you'll call me if anything happens?" He asked softly. You nodded your head and Steven leaned down giving you a soft kiss before kissing Cleo's forehead. "Daddy will be home soon okay sweetheart? Try not to give mummy too much trouble." Steven said tickling her tummy as his mask materialised. Cleo waves her hand to say bye bye and Steven waved back.

"Be careful." You said holding Cleo with one arm.

"Oh darling , they'll never see me coming. I am the MoonKnight for a reason remember."

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