(All Boys!)

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Warning : Violence , Fluff , Angst.
Summary : It's been five years. Five years since you lost your mother , father and your husband. Now you come back to battle Thanos.

"Dad..." you sobbed kneeling next to his body along with your mother. Thanos had brought your father back after you and your mum had to kill him before Thanos could get to him. Thanos has brought him back and tore the Mind Stone from his head. Your mother held you tightly with one arm as she held your fathers hand. "YN.." you heard your mum say and you turned to her. Her body began slowly fading away as she tried to cup your face with both hands. "Take care my love... I'll be reunited with your father once again.." her voice faded away as she turned to dust. "Mama..." you whispered tearing up. You looked around as Natasha and Steve ran towards you. "YN.." Natasha said kneeling down and hugging you tightly. "Steven's gone too.." Clint said , You let the tears roll as you let out an agonising scream.

(5 years later..)

It had been five years since you had last seen the people you loved. Five years since you last seen your mother , father and husband. Your hair was significantly longer , you had lost a little bit of weight due to the loss you had been through. You sighed getting out of bed and walked to your chest of drawers grabbing a hoodie that belonged to your husband (or one of them since there was three in the same body.) and some sweatpants before heading down to the lobby where Natasha was sat in the reclining chair talking to Steve and Tony. "Hey little one.." Tony said getting up to give you a hug. You hugged him back and sighed softly. "What's the latest?" You asked noticing the holograms of different people. Your father , your mother and Steven. "Turn it off.." Natasha said noticing you freeze after you had walked over to the holograms.

You teared up once again seeing their faces. Your mother's bright hair , your father's kind smile and Steven's kind eyes staring back at you. "He took everything away from me." You seethed wiping away your tears. "YN." Steve states. "No let her rant , she needs to." Natasha cut him off. "He took away my people. Someone to hug me when I'm sad , to call me when I'm lonely!. He took away the father of my children and their grandparents! He took away my whole fucking life and he thinks we're not gonna do anything! He's a big purple ball sack chin dumbass if he thinks I'm just gonna sit here and do nothing." You finished wiping your tears. "Sweetheart.. he knows he's gonna be destroyed once you get your hands on him. You are a Maximoff witch with an enhanced mother and a smart vibranium father. You are his worst fear when you use your powers combined." Tony spoke up. You smiled slightly as his words perked you up a little bit.

"Let's work on your training. The sooner we get started , the more prepared we are for when he returns." Natasha said leading you to the training room. You nodded and took of your jacket showing off the tattoos you had decided to get and began preparing to fight. You used your magic to stop Natasha's incoming punches and threw her down onto the matt. "Good!  You've been improving. Now what to do when someone sneaks up on behind you." Natasha spoke. An arm had wrapped around your neck from behind and you summoned a blue orb of magic and threw it behind you , grabbing Steve's arm and flipping him over your shoulder and pinning him down. "Clever... your magic won't always save you though YN. Remember that." Steve said groaning and getting up. You nodded and stretched your arms slightly and sighed.

(Time skip!!))

"Clint where's Nat?" Bruce asked. Clint fell to his knees and his silence told you all you needed to know. "No... not her." You said tearing up. Bruce touched your shoulder with his non injured hand and held you to him. "All for some soul stone." You said , your magic was now slowly surrounding your hands and your body. "YN." Bruce began to say but you were cut off by an explosion. You were thrown to the side and groaned at the pain in your back. Steve was next to you holding the shield over you both protecting you from falling debris. "Are you okay?! You were thrown pretty hard YN." Steve said helping you up. "Apart from a banging headache yeah. I used a tiny bit of magic to stop the brunt of it." You said smoothing out your uniform.

Tony had it made for you

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Tony had it made for you. The blue matched the colour of your magic exactly. Accentuated by the black cape starched to your shoulders. Your jet black hair was in a classic half up half down style, let everything straightened. Your suit was a blue version of your mother's. You felt powerful. Strong. You walked out into the fiery area which was once the Avengers compound and sighed looking at what used to be your home. You walked up where Tony and Thor were and noticed what they were staring at. Thanos by himself , sitting on a rock. "There he is. That bastard." You said getting ready to fly over. Thor held you by your arm carefully and stopped you. "If we're going to kill him. Let's kill him properly." Tony said , only then did you and Tony fly over along with Thor and Steve landing in front of him.

"Who's the girl?" Thanos asked. "The child of the Scarlet Witch and Vision. You know , the vibranium robot you destroyed by tearing his stone out of his head. The wife of the Moonknight. Protector of travellers of the night and you will do well to address her properly." Thor said , his voice as booming  as ever. Your eyes glowing a dangerous cobalt blue standard to the normal grey your eyes normally were. "Once I receive the stones you've collected for me. Half of your population will be wiped out with a simple snap of my fingers." Thanos said putting his helmet on. You summoned your magic and threw an orb at him throwing his sword to the side. Tony and Thor has teamed up beaming electricity and lightening together. You flew up and summoned your magic once again thrusting it towards the beam trying to see if it could help them. Thanos threw all of you to different parts of the destroyed venue and you landed on your back.

You heard Sam come through on the intercom and smiled. A golden portal had appeared in front of you and T'Challa , Shuri and their mother walked out appearing in front of you and they nodded softly. Steve smiles softly and Shuri rushes over to you helping you up. "Thank you Shuri." You said softly. Several more portals began opening and you gasped seeing a figure dressed in all red fly down and steady herself. Wanda instantly began looking around and seen you stood there. "Mama.." you said tearing up and running to her. "Oh my sweet girl!" She cried hugging you tightly. You cried in her arms as she stroked your hair. "You've grown up so much.. I've missed you" She said wiping your tears. You smiled softly. "I've missed you too mum." You replied.

"There's someone else who wants to talk to you darling." Wanda said softly turning you around. You gasped softly. Glowing white eyes , the crisp white suit with the billowing cape behind them. "Marc?" You asked , your voice cracking slightly. His mask disappeared revealing his face and he smiled. "YN. Oh baby come here!" He said grabbing you and hugging you tightly to him. You cried more hugging him back feeling him lift you off of the floor slightly and he sighed. "My love... you look amazing!" Steven's voice rang out. You giggled softly and stroked his cheek softly pecking his lips. His grip got tighter and Jake fronted swinging you around. "You look as beautiful as the day we left you beautiful." He said softly. You giggled and you all got in formation getting ready to fight.

"Avengers!" Steve yelled. You summoned your magic and got ready to fight.


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