Your Baby Bump Starts To Show.

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(This was suggested by dedicatedfanperson!!)

Marc : Ever since you found out you were pregnant , Marc had been using his excuse of having fatherly instincts any time that he wanted you to rest or when he thought you shouldn't lift anything heavy etc. You were currently dressed in a comfy black t-shirt with a pair of grey sweatpants and some fluffy socks with your hair in a messy bun. Marc had gone to the nearest shops because your pregnancy cravings were now starting to kick in and god forbid you didn't get your craving. You heard the door open behind you and smiled as Marc appeared in the corner of your eye setting down the shopping bags on the bench beside you. "Oh my god!" Marc yelled happily , You jumped and he knelt down in front of you and kissed the now showing baby bump. "My best friend is in there." He said happily. You laughed and shook your head.

Steven : Steven was currently stroking your hair as you rested your head on his lap as he read from one of his books. You found your pregnancy difficult so far as the baby moved around A LOT, made you throw up everything you ate etc. Steven felt bad as he felt like it was his fault since he helped make the baby but you constantly assured him it wasn't. "Love? You still with me.?" You heard Steven ask rubbing your shoulder. "Yeah I am." You said now sitting up. Steven watched you and began smiling almost instantly. "What?" You asked him. "You're showing darling." He said touching the bump softly. You secretly thought Steven was more excited for the baby than you are. You smiled softly and pecked his cheek before getting up to make two cups of tea.

Jake : When you told this man you were pregnant , Jake instantly went into over protective daddy mode and the baby wasn't even born yet! He would run around the house getting your cravings , fixing anything you didn't like. You giggled softly as Jake was struggling to put the baby's cot together. "Try reading the instructions babe." You said holding in your laugh. Jake turned to you with a playful glare. "Ay, just because you're now carrying my baby doesn't mean I won't tickle the life outta you young lady." He threatened playfully. You stretched and heard Jake drop whatever he was holding to the floor and looked over. His eyes were clouded with tears and he had the softest smile on his face. "Your bump... it's so much bigger now..." he whispered.

Layla : You hummed softly washing some dishes after dinner once you and Layla had finished eating. You had found out you were expecting a baby three months ago and you were starting to show rather quick. (Every pregnancy is different after all.) and Layla was over the moon to hear you were expecting. She was buying baby clothes , toys. Everything a baby could possibly need in a home! You smiled as she went through the baby clothes and sorting them out. "Having fun?" You asked turning around, Layla looked over at you and smiled nodding her head before carrying on with the clothes. "Your baby bump is showing a lot more now... I still can't believe that we're having a baby together." She said softly taking a picture. You laughed softly and carried on with the dishes , Layla joining you soon after.

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