Dangerous Desires

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Featuring : Steven Grant , Marc Spector and Jake Lockley.

Summary: All three of them had been watching you for awhile. All three of them want you.... so badly to the point where they'd kill anyone that comes across you. This will be a little mini series , Basically showing how she is with each alter!.

You hummed cleaning your counter since you worked at a local coffee shop. Today wasn't a busy day so you could concentrate on getting some cleaning done. The bell above the shop rang as you looked up. You smiled when you noticed it was Steven , he came in almost every single day and ordered his favourite tea and his favourite pastry or cake depending on what mood he was in. "Hi Steven" you said as he walked up. 'Look at her... so beautiful... so innocent' Steven heard Marc speak up from inside his head. "Hellooo" Steven sung looking at the case , You had begun making his favourite earl grey tea already and just waited for him to pick which pastry he wanted. "How's your day been?" You asked him placing the cup in front of him. Steven looked at you and smiled. "It's been alright yeah , apart from Donna shoving me in inventory again" He answered. You scoffed slightly, You had never met Donna before but the way she treated Steven angered you. "I swear if she ever comes in here , she's getting scalding hot coffee thrown all over her" you said laughing. Steven smiled and chose a chocolate muffin. "Go sit down , I'll bring it over for you." You said after he had paid for everything. Steven nodded softly taking the cup and went over to his table which was near the window of the entrance.

'Steven... this is incredibly risky... you could expose us and we're gonna scare her away' Marc spoke. Steven rolled his eyes and took a sip of his tea. Steven , Jake and Marc have all been wanting you for awhile. It was Steven during the day as he didn't like all the stalking Marc or Jake would do during the time they had control. "I don't care... you two get to see her enough at night and I rarely get to so shut up." He spat softly. He heard footsteps coming toward his table and you placed the muffin down in front of him. "They were baked fresh this morning so they should be alright for you." You said placing your hand on his shoulder. Steven looked at your hand blushing softly and smiled. "Thank you , you know , Why don't we meet up after you've finished work? We can go to my flat and I can make dinner. It'll give us a proper chance to talk?" Steven asked finally doing what he had set out to do. You smiled even more "I'd love too" you replied. Steven nodded and he could hear Marc and Jake cheering in his head and almost growled at them to be quiet.

"What time do you finish tonight?" Steven asked after eating a part of the muffin. "I'd say around 6 o'clock" You said checking your phone. The boys already knew what time you finished... they knew where you lived , where you go when you aren't at work. They knew everything. Steven got up once he finished and kissed your cheek softly before telling you that he'd see you when you were done. You smiled and cleared all the tables that were empty before you felt your phone buzz in your pocket.

Unknown : You looked beautiful today Princess... much too beautiful.

You furrowed your brows and decided to ignore the test when another one came through.

Unknown: Don't ignore me sweetheart. I don't wanna have to hurt you. I don't wanna get that cute little apron all dirty.
You : Who is this... this has been going on for months.

Unknown : You'll find out in due time. In the mean time , you can carry on with your work in time for your little meeting with Steven.

You instantly looked up and ran your eyes through the shop to see if anyone was staring at you and found nothing. You ran your hand through your hair hair. How did they know about Steven? How did they know you were meeting him after work?. You sighed softly and carried on serving people and clearing up until 6 o'clock. You waved the last customer out when Steven came through the door. He was wearing completely different clothes to earlier. A black jumper that clung on to the muscles on his arms making his arms look bigger , black jeans and his trainers. Marc decided that if he was gonna meet you the he actually had to dress like he had a social life and not just in his work clothes. His hair was still that messy curly hair that you liked on him so he decided to keep it. "Right on time" you said smiling.


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Steven smiled. "I'm just gonna quickly go and change then I'm all yours." You said heading to the back room so you could change your clothes. 'All yours... I love the sound of that' Jake piped up. A couple minutes later you walked out wearing a black skirt with a grey long sleeved top, black tights and some black heeled boots with your favourite jacket and bag as you locked the doors. "You look beautiful." You heard Steven say , You turned to see him staring at you and you blushed softly. "Thank you. You don't look so bad yourself either." You said quietly. Steven smiled and held his hand out for you once you had walked out of the shop after closing down. You took his hand and you began walking,

'Told you she'd like the outfit Stevie boy' Marc piped up. Steven nodded softly and looked at you once more. You were a little shorter than he was and he found that absolutely adorable. Your head just came up past his shoulder and he smiled even more. "What you smiling at?" You asked looking at him. He snapped out of his trance and blushed. "Just how beautiful you are tonight". He replied with. You giggled softly and leaned against his shoulder as you both walked to his apartment.

'If you won't kiss her then I will. You know I'll do it Steven.' Marc spoke up again. Steven tolled his eyes and used his other hand to fish out his keys to the front door and opened it leading you to the elevator. "I'm not letting you walk up those stairs in heels." Steven said. You smiled softly "Aww how cute" you said, Steven smiled as the elevator doors closed. 'Nows your chance , Kiss her!' Jake yelled in his head. Steven winced slightly and decided to shut them up by kissing your cheek softly. "What was that for?" You asked him , He smiled "You're the only person who understands me YN. You care about me" He said now standing in front of you pressing you against the wall slightly. 'A kiss on the damn cheek?! Really!' Marc complained.

Before anything else could happen, the doors opened and Steven led you out to the front door of his apartment and smiled. "I didn't have the chance to properly clean up as I didn't want to be late... I hope you don't mind." He said softly. "I don't , honestly you should see my apartment." You said giggling. Steven smiled. They have seen your apartment... multiple times. Steven opened the door and motioned for you to go in first. You walked in slowly and smiled looking at all of the books he had. What you didn't notice was Steven locking the door behind you , slotting the chain on , bolting the doors and his eyes flickering slightly. Marc had taken control now that he had you in the apartment. You looked at his bed and noticed the ankle restraint resting there. "What's that for?" You said softly.

Marc walked up behind you and wrapped his arms around your waist and leaned his head down so his mouth was next to your ear.

"It's for you , my darling girl."

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