Steven Grant/Marc Spector.

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(This is part two to the previous one!)

Marc had to go out again soon after getting home. He swore to you that he would be safe and he would text you when he was on his way back. You rubbed your baby bump softly as you addled to the kitchen to make your favourite cookies that were also Steven's favourite as well. You began adding the ingredients to the bowl and felt your baby kick. "Hi bubba~" you rubbed the bump giggling. You had decided you didn't wanna find out the gender until the baby was born and Steven agreed. Even though Steven's gone , you were still gonna keep your promise. Steven was daddy and Marc was papa. You called Marc the baby's papa so the baby wouldn't grow up and get confused about which alter was his dad and which one wasn't. "What should me and papa call you hm? We've got Cleo for a girl , or Sage. If you're gonna be a boy , Oscar or Daniel." You spoke to the bump. You felt your baby kick again and you smiled. "Oh you like the names? Papa and daddy picked the boys ones and mommy picked the girl ones" You said. You grabbed your rolling pin after adding the chocolate chips to the orange flavoured dough and rolled it out , you then grabbed a pyramid shaped cookie cutter that Steven had bought and began cutting them out and laying them on the baking tray.

"Chocolate orange cookies were always your daddy's favourite, Now they're mommy's favourite too , also her pregnant craving hence why I'm making a lot of them for you." You spoke. The first time you made the cookies was an accident, You added orange essence instead of salted caramel and decided to risk the chance and made them anyway, Steven had tried one when he got home from work and instantly fell in love with the way the cookies tasted so you promised to make them that way every single time. Since you fell pregnant , your cravings were all over the place. Sweet , Salty , crunch and cold , hot and spicy, even sweet and sour!. Marc had gone out in the middle of the night to get your cravings because he'd knew it'd make you and bubba happy. And the smile on your face when you got your cravings was all worth it for him.

You placed the cookies in the oven and cleaned up the mess you made before washing your hands and deciding to have a shower. Once you were done you got dressed into a clean hoodie and another pair of sweatpants since most of your clothes were too small for your growing bump so Steven's and Marc's wardrobe was now also your wardrobe. You sighed softly sitting on the couch and switching the tv channel to find something entertaining and grabbed your cup of tea taking a sip.

Marc POV.

"You were the only superpower I ever had... me and YN and your little baby need you back Steven" I said placing the hand with my heart on top of his as my body slowly froze to stone.  The heart covered by both of our hands started glowing and I could see Steven slowly coming back. He let out a groan as I started going back to normal and I fell forward slightly.
"Marc" Steven spoke smiling at me. "Steven." I said smiling at me. Steven helped me up and sighed. "You came back? What the hell is wrong with you?" Steven asked laughing. "I couldn't leave you here... I did a whole little speech there" I said , Steven laughed. "It wasn't that little. YN!... the baby! We have to get back Marc." Steven said grabbing my shoulders.

We heard a rumbling sound and noticed the gates were starting to open so we both began running. "COMING THROUGH!" We heard someone yell. The large boat came barrelling round the corner and Taweret was steering the wheel. "Osiris you old softie!" She yelled crashing into the wave. "Whooo HIPPO!" Steven yelled happily raising his arms above his head. I laughed more and sighed softly. "Now run!" Taweret said to us crashing her host into the sandy wave.

That is the last thing we both remember before being surrounded by a bright light.

Your POV.

You had gotten the cookies out of the oven and decorated them once they had cooled down and you were now sitting on the couch happily munching on some of them when your phone dinged.

Marc : I'm on my way home baby. I have a surprise for you.

You : Alright. I made chocolate orange cookies again.

Marc : You and your damn cravings woman.

You giggled setting your phone down and sighing rubbing the bump again. You decided to take a nap for an hour on the bed and fell asleep cuddled up to the blankets.

An hour had gone by and you felt someone shaking you slightly. "Baby wake up, I'm home and have your surprise~" Marc sung softly. You opened your eyes and sat up slowly rubbing your eyes not noticing Marc's posture changing and his face becoming softer. "What's my surprise Marc?" You asked quietly looking at him. Marc looked at you with teary eyes and you got confused and looked away. "I'm not gonna burst Marc." Noticing He was staring at the bump.

"YN?" You heard a British accent  ring through. Your head instantly shot up. Your breath hitched slightly as his kind , loving eyes were staring back at you. Your own eyes filling with tears. "S-Steven?" You stuttered reaching out to touch him. He instantly leaned into your touch and closed his eyes sighing softly. "YN.." he said again. "Steven!" You cried out hugging him to you tightly. The tears now roll g down your face rapidly as he hugged you back burying his face in your neck. "Oh my god my baby, my darling wife" Steven said rocking you from side to side slightly.

You pulled away and cupped his face still not believing he was here. "My Steven..." you whispered, He smiled and kissed you softly sighing whilst touching your baby bump gently. You kissed him back not wanting to let go of him and he pulled away slowly ending the kiss much too soon for your liking. Steven laid you down on the bed gently moving down your body before stopping at your baby bump and smiled kissing it  gently.

"Hi bubba, Daddy's home~".

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