What They Do When Jealous

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Marc : You will both be in a club having fun whilst Marc goes to get a drink for you both. He'll look over and see a guy getting all touchy feely and  clenches his fists. Once he has the drinks , he walks back over to you glaring at the guy. "Here's your drink babygirl" Marc said handing you your drink , You thanked him with a kiss which he tried to keep going. "You're mine doll face, don't you forget that".

Steven : When he sees someone getting a little too close to you , He rolls his eyes and marched over to you wrapping his arms tightly around  your waist from behind and nestles his face in your neck giving you a few kisses here and there. You smiled and messed with  his curls making him sigh happily. "You're mine love. Forever."

Layla : She's overprotective. If she sees someone stepping within a metre of your personal space , she's instantly grabbing your hand and pulling you away. She takes you to a secluded area and checks you for marks and sighs softly kissing your cheeks and then your lips . "The sooner we get married the better Sweetheart".

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