How They'd Propose.

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Marc : He normally isn't the type to do lovey dovey things. But when he knew he wanted to marry you , he went all out. Flowers leading to the living room , candles , jazz music on the background and him looking like he may burst if he doesn't ask you sooner.

Steven : LET ME TELL YOU. This man LIVES for romance. He'll cook dinner , buy your favourite movies , your favourite wine. Cuddle on the couch and takes a deep breath preparing to ask you the question that he himself never thought he'd be asking anybody.

Layla : She'd almost burst from excitement at the thought of asking you to be her wife. She had bought the ring the moment it popped into her head. She'd leave cute little notes around the house and ask you in the cutest way.

Jake : This damn Latino. He's blunt but you like it. So you'd both be sitting on the couch cuddling and he'd just ask you. Straight up , He had planned out what he was going to say and kept the paper incase he needed it. Since you always make him speechless.

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