Super Junior - Kyuhyun

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*Kyuhyun POV*


"...and do you Cho Kyuhyun, take the Seo Hye Mi to be your lawfully wedded wife"

"I do" I smile down at the woman I have been in love with since high school, still in a state of shock that she agreed to marry me.

End flashback

That was the last memory I had before passing out. I could just about hear the sirens of the ambulance and leeteuk Hyungs calls for me before I was drowned in complete darkness.

*Hye Mi's POV*

"Baby, it's late you have to go to sleep" I told my six year old son for the third time.

I was sat at the end of his bed trying to calm him down. He's been crying all night and he won't tell me why.

"What about appa?" He sobbed.

"What do you mean Do Hyun?" I asked him, now holding him in my arms.

"I-I had a dream about appa. " he cried.

"What dream was that?" I asked, rocking us back and forth.

"T-that appa, a-and SuperJunior Hyungs w-w-were in a car crash" he started to wail again.

My heart clenched hearing him cry so hard.

"Shhh, we just listened to appa on the radio, remember?...How about we stay up until he gets home, and you can see that he's safe?" I asked him.

"Eo!" He agreed.

I picked him up and started to walk downstairs.

*ring ring....ring ring...*

"Stay here while mommy answers the phone" I told Do Hyun as I placed him down on the sofa and walked towards the house phone.

"Yobosaeyo" I answered. It was Kyuhyun Oppas manager.

"Huh?" My head suddenly snapped towards Do Hyun.

"B-b-woh?!?" My hands start shaking and the phone falls from my grasp.


"Do Hyun-ah. Come with Omma, we're going out" I called before picked him up again and quickly walking out to the SUV and clicking his belt into place. .

I have no one to look after him in such short notice, so I have no other choice than to bring him with me.

What's going to happen when he sees his father lying in a hospital bed, not moving and not answering him?

My tears are uncontrollable as I start the car and speed down the highway towards the emergency hospital.


"Omma, why are you crying?"

I ran down the hospital hallway towards Kyuhyuns room.

"Hye mi!" Sobbed sungmin.

"Here, I've got him" Laura, sungmins girlfriend, and a close friend of mine, took Do Hyun from me before I embraced sungmin in a tight hug.

The other members where here as well and were all scattered everywhere. Leeteuk and shindong have stitches above their eyes.

"W-what happened?" I asked him, and he proceeds to tell me of how some of the members were involved in a car crash on the Olympic bridge.

"Appa!" Shrieked Do Hyun. He had obviously overheard our conversation.

He ran out of Laura's arms and into the room which was guarded by SuperJuniors manager.

"Do Hyun!" We all called. I followed him into the room, my heart threatening to stop working as soon as I see the sight of my little boy trying to wake up his daddy.

"Daddy, wake up!" The little boy pleaded whilst patting the elders face.

I collapse onto the floor seeing all of the wires attached to my husband. His face is so pale and he has scratches every where.

Little did I know that the paparazzi had finally made their way inside and where asking for interviews from the other members.

"Yah, stay back!" Shouted a doctor.

I slowly stood up and looked over the situation through the small window in the hospital door; a swarm of paparazzi had managed to fill up the whole waiting area and were flashing their cameras in every angle of the boys.

I turn my head to see Do Hyun asleep on his fathers chest, silent tears still escaping from his eyes.

"MRS CHO!" Shouted a man. I looked back out of the window to see a man with a camera and a woman with a microphone walk their way towards the door.

Quickly leaving the room I greet the couple with a harsh tone of voice.

"Can't you see we're all in pain?!" I shrieked, causing all of the commotion to stop.


Heechul ran over to me to hold me up as he could see that my legs were going to give way.

The hospitals security finally managed to get them all to leave the hospital and soon you could hear nothing but silence.

I sat on the chair in kyuhyuns room, silently praying to God to wake my husband up.

He can't leave. He can't leave me! He can't leave his son, he has too much to live for!

Even though the surgeon has told us there is little hope, everyone is still hanging on.

The manager hasn't stopped blaming himself seeing as he was the one who was driving at the time is the incident.

"Please wake up" I begged and I held onto kyuhyuns hand.

"Please don't leave us" I whispered, my voice barely audible.

Two hours later

I sniffles as my cries soon died down. I had no tears left to cry, I had used them up all in one go.

Letting out a shaky sigh I grabbed on kyu's pale hand, squeezing it and hoping for a reply like usual.

"Kyu?" I gasped, standing up. His hand just- it just griped back. I quickly stood up and searched his face for any sign to show that he's awake, unfortunately his eyes were still closed.

"Nurse?!" I shouted, not taking my eyes away from his face.

Do Hyun immediately woke up. "Appa?" He asked, groggily.

Two doctors and a nurse suddenly burst into the room.

"H-his hand twitched. He-he moved, I swear he moved!" I rushed.

"Please wake up baby?" I asked once more before being ushered out of the room with Do Hyun.

"Oppa, he moved!" I called, once again held by Heechul.

"He's going to be ok" I whispered.


AN: hey guys, this chapter is about the car accident that a few members got into in 2007. I hope you guys like it and realise how precise they suju boys are to us!

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