Gong Yoo

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AN: Thank you to Shiek13 for requesting this one shot. Unfortunately i had (and still have) no idea who Gong Yoo is, so my amazing co-writer on AFF offered to help me out a bit. 


Joora's slender fingers fiddled with the multiple locks at the door in an attempt to open it as quickly as possible. She knew exactly who would be on the other side and she itched to see him for the first time since they'd parted three weeks ago. "Wait a minute!" the excited female shouted through the door as she unlocked the final lock. The door swung open, allowing the cold air in but she didn't care. She leapt forward into the arms of her lover, snaking them tightly around his neck and peppering his lips with soft kisses. "Let's get inside because your dad yells at us for letting the snow in" Gong Yoo chuckled softly, cradling the petite female into the house and carrying her into the living room.

"Did you enjoy your trip to Japan?" Joora asked as her boyfriend gently placed her down on the sofa and wrapped a blanket around her. It was definitely a little colder than it had been earlier now. She knew it wouldn't stay that way for long though; Gong Yoo was here now and he could warm her up, she thought with a grin. Yoo fell down onto the sofa beside her and, as if reading her mind, wrapped one of his beefy arms around her –she'd definitely missed this. "It was so-so. Pretty cold actually. The snow there is a lot heavier than here." A soft chuckle escaped the boy's lips as he fondly glanced down at his girlfriend, twirling her silky, smooth locks around his frozen fingers. Yoo softly kissed her forehead, allowing his lips to linger for a little while longer. He shut his eyes, a smile playing across his lips.

His lips trailed down the side of her face, showering her skin with tender kisses until her reached her ear. "I brought you some gifts, baby." the hunky male whispered, his husky words sending shivers down the young girl's spine. Her grip on his hand tightened for a brief moment. "Really?" Joora gasped, her large, doe-eyes widening at the prospect at what her boyfriend had bought for her on his travels. "You're going to love it." Yoo continued, getting to his feet and wandering over to the door. Fishing his car keys out of his pocket, he then swung open the front door, threw Joora a cheeky grin before disappearing outside.

Joora's mind swirled with ideas, picturing weird and wacky items littered with large, colourful Japanese text that neither he nor she could read. The sound of a door slamming abruptly pulled Joora out of her wonderful reverie, however, and her attention soon focused on the boy in front of her, a large bag in his arms. "We're going to have so much fun with this. I promise you." Yoo chuckled, unable to stop the smirk from tugging at the corners of his lips. "Ready?" he whispered Joora clapping her hands in anticipation as Gong Yoo reached down into the bag and pulled out...


"Super Mario?!" Joora screeched, throwing her arms in the air. "You said it was something we could have fun with, Gong Yoo!" She sighed, holding her head in her hands, a scoff escaping her lips. What did she expect; Yoo was a kid at heart. When she, eventually, forced herself to look at her boyfriend again, she couldn't help but laugh, shaking her head in a playful manner. Junho sighed, dropping the game to the side. "But we've played games together before, Joo. I thought you'd like it." He sighed, his gaze falling to the ground and his heart sinking. He felt like a failure now.

Joora shook her head, smiling. This was why she loved him, he always made her smile. She got to her feet and scampered to his side, swiping the game up off the floor beside him. "I'm sure it'll fun. Get up and help me set this up before I make you." Joora teased, poking her tongue out t the boy before making her way over to the TV where she installed the game. She gave the casing a once-over. "It's the new version, right?" Gong Yoo ambled over towards her.

"Limited edition." he mumbled, grabbing one of the controllers. Joora tsk'ed softly, and grabbed the second controller. She turned and pushed her boyfriend down onto the seat behind them, the one that they usually sat on together if they were watching a film or something. "I need to see a smile on your face, Yoo." Joora whined, pecking his lips.


In all honesty, playing the game had been a lot more enjoyable than Joora had anticipated. Even if she'd only won once. "You're not even giving me a chance-" Joora gasped as Yoo's character pushed hers down the gap they were both attempting to jump over. "Hey! That's cheating!" She elbowed him in the stomach, earning a huff from the other. He ruffled her hair and laughed. "No it's not. Where does it say I'm not allowed to do that to you?" Yoo smirked. "Or this" His character, being better than Joora's, was able to shoot fire and, so, he shot her character with several fireballs, sending her down another hole. "Now you're just playing dirty." Joora hissed, a smirk threatening to appear. "Two can play at that game, you know."

Without hesitating, Joora shuffled a little on Yoo's lap, positioning herself so that her head was directly in front of his, blocking his view of the TV screen for a start. "Now that's cheating" Gong Yoo chuckled, eyebrow arched slightly at the thought of what Joora was going to do next. "Where does it say that I can't do that?" the female quipped, flashing her boyfriend a playful smirk before leaning back in his arms. She spread her arms outwards in an attempt to cover as much space as possible. She'd managed to trap her boyfriend's hands behind her back, the controller dug into her back a little which made it slightly uncomfortable. She winced and Yoo noticed, eyes widening when he thought he was hurting her. "Am I hurting you, Joo?" he asked, struggling to move his hands from out behind her.

Of course, this was all a part of her plan.

"Everything's fine, Junho. Let me just get that for you." She wound her arms behind her and searched for his hands which she was then going to manoeuvre away. Their hands met, finally, and she slipped them out from behind her. But, instead of letting them fall to his side, she kept a tight hold of them and starting bringing them round to her front. Right now Gong Yoo was entirely focused on what she was doing. "What are you doing bab-" A gasp suddenly interrupting his words when Joora placed his hands down on her thighs, a purr escaping her lips. He couldn't resist giving them a soft squeeze.

Now that he was fully distracted, you could say, Joora didn't hesitate in knocking his controller to the floor and using her character to reach the finishing point before he did. The sound of cheers announced her victory and the petite female threw her arms in the air and squealed. "I won!" She turned to face her boyfriend, poking his thinly-pressed lips when he realised he had been tricked. "You shouldn't be so easily distracted, Mr." Joora hummed, biting her lower lip as Gong Yoo arched his eyebrow. A low chuckle escaped his lips, his eyes twinkling impishly. "And you shouldn't be such a tease." He picked her up and jumped to his feet, their lips meeting in a heated smooch. Once they'd finished, the pair panting excitedly, he fell back down onto the sofa with his girlfriend in his arms, their foreheads resting against one another's. "I told you we could have a lot of fun with the game." he chuckled.


AN: I'm sorry if it wasn't what you were expecting. Thank you for requesting!! Sorry for any grammar/spelling mistakes!

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