Winner - Song Mino

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*Park Rin Na POV*

Urgh, there he goes again. All he has to do is walk past my bedroom window and i'm already getting those funny, formidable feelings in my stomach. It's wrong, it's so wrong to have feelings for my next door neighbour. Especially when he's a year younger than me, i'm his noona for crying out loud!

"What are you doing to me, Song Minho?" I asked him as i watched him walk to school.

Ever since he moved in next door a couple of years ago, i've had strange feelings for Minho - or Mino as his friends call him - and i tried to convince myself that i only liked him as a younger brother, but my heart can't deny what it wants. So here i am, sat in my bedroom stalking him from my window.

"Rin Na, you're goin to be late for school if you don't come down now" My father called, dragging me into reality.

"Coming" I called, running down the stairs.

*Mino POV*

"Yah, Mino can you believe the school is almost over?!" exclaimed P.O as we walked through the gates of the school.

"Waaaaah, already?" I asked him. It's almost time! I chuckled at the thought of Rin Na's face as i confess to her at the end of year graduation.

"What are you smiling for?" He asked as we walked into our form room.

"Ah, nothing. I'll tell you later" I told him, sitting down at my desk.

"You better! I'm not your best friend for nothing!"


"Dude, you've been smiling all day, just what is it that's making you so happy?.....You're not on drugs are you?" Jihoon asked, worried that his friend was taking illegal substances. He was worried for Minho's health. When P.O received no answer from Mino, he followed his eye line to see that he was watching Park Rin Na.

"Dude, are you crazy? You can't get a girl like her!" P.O whined, adding two and two together to get four.

"Eo" Minho answered, not taking gaze from the tall beauty whom sat with her friends on the other side of the cafeteria. "I'm crazy. Crazy in love" He let out a relaxes sigh, before going back to his lunch.

"Mino, she's older than you. Noona, noona! What makes it worse is that you two live next door. If you ask her out and she says 'no' then you have to live next door to her and you'll be embarrassed until you die!" He exaggerated. Minho just ignored his friend as he tried to come up with the most romantic way to confess to his noona. His noona. It has a nice ring to it.

Rin Na maybe older than him, but it's only by a year, and Minho was lucky that he was six foot tall, so he would always be taller than her. He always knew that he wanted his future girlfriend/fiance/wife to be cute and petite. And that's one thing that he loved about Rin Na, amongst all the other factors ofcourse. Her long dark hair, with the natural brown kink, her piercing eyes that gave the most loving eye smile to those who deserved it, her personality above all things was what drew him in first. He could remmeber back to when he first moved to BlockWin St, and Rin Na knocked on his door telling his mother that the family were invited to a bbq that her family were holding the next day. She seemed so nervous that day, yet her smile proved that she was a loving care-free girl.

"....Mino!" P.O clapped his hands in front of Mino's dazed face, hoping to pull him out of his dazed state.

*Park Rin Na*

"Aaah, he's looking over here!" Squealed Eunbi.

"Who?" I asked,looking around the cafeteria.

"Your flower boy next door" Leah sighed lovingly, looking behind her.

"Flower Boy?" I asked, and followed her eye sight to the blonde boy in the corner of the cafeteria. He seemed to be talking to his friend P.O, and even though he wasn't looking at me i couldn't help the forbidden butterflies in my stomach.

"I can't. This is wrong" I mumbled, and quickly ate my dinner to try and take away my thoughts about Song Minho

Happy Graduation Day 7Seasons High

"Omo, that banner is so cool!" I bounced on my feet as Leah, Eunbi and I made our way into the auditorium. Looking around the hall, you could see everybody was excited to be leaving school. Some for good (Not me, that'll be next year), and some just for 6 weeks.

We sat down with the rest of our class at the back of the hall, and waited for the speeches to start.

"Psst" What was that? I looked to my left to see all of my class mates talking with each other, and laughing at old memories.

"Pssst" There it is again! This time i checked to the right of me, but i was on the end so nobody could have made that noise. I must be going crazy.

"Come with me" A soft voice whispered from behind me, and before anybody could tell i was moving, a hand gently wrapped around my own, and carefully dragged me out of the auditorium, and towards an empty class room.

"Minho, what are you doing?" I whispered, the fallacious nerves in my stomach began to twitch once again as i was pressed against one of the tables, with both of Minho's hands on the table behind me - trapping me.

"Park Rin Na" He whispered, lifting one hand, and caressing my cheek. "So beautiful"

I blushed at his comment, my head automatically bobbing down to avoid his gaze. Minho knew what he was doing as he ever so softly lifted my head back up by using a finger under my chin. I need to get out of here, this is dangerous.

"What are so scared of?" He asked, rubbing his thumb on my cheek, "We both know that we want more Rin Na, so what are you so scared about?"

He's right. I did want something more, but how could i when i know that everybody will discriminate against me because i'm the older one in the relationship. I looked into his eyes, and he instantly knew what was wrong.

"I'm afraid of everybody procrastinating against me, hating me for taking advantage of a younger male." I whispered shyly. There was no point in talking when his perfect face was only mere inches away from mine.

"Listen," He started, rubbing my right arm with his ever-so-warm left hand, "You shouldn't care what other people say about you. What matters is that i love you, and that will never change" He spoke, calmly inching his head down towards me. With his height he towered over me, so as he came closer and closer, his knees bent ever so slightly. There was still something in the back of my head telling me that this was wrong, but my heart was telling me to just go on with it, the You Only Live Once motto came to mind.

" me?" i asked, watching his lips as they were millimetres away from mine.

"Yes" He breathed out. With that one simple word, my heart jumped into overdrive, and it geared me to make the final move. I ever so slightly jumped onto my tiptoes, reaching for his lips.

My hands wrapped around his neck, as he picked me up and placed me on top of the desk that we were leaning against. This made Minho relax into the kiss without straining his neck. His hands decided to rest around my back, pulling me towards him, and making sure to never let go.

I didn't want him to let go.


AN: This one shot was requested by Woorachel. I'm sorry that it's taking me forever to update, but i'm just entering my exam month at College so i'm busy revising and making sure i pass! Updates will be done, but it may just take a while! 

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