Jungkook Suddenly..... (Part 2)

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AN: This one shot is not affiliated with Army_Selca_Days tweets, but since a few of you asked me to write a part 2 I thought that i would be nice and actually do as i am asked for once >.<

So here you go... part 2!!!



"Stand up". Jungkook whispered. I refused to do so, giggling as I tightened my arms around his neck. "Okay then" and with a quick peck on my lips Jungkook stood up, and grabbed my legs to wrap them around his waist.

"Looks like the tables have turned" he smiled smugly as I had turned into a beetroot with the feel of his hands on my bare legs. My school skirt only comes down so far, but he was kind enough to respect that and kept his hands by the crook of my knee.

"I wanted to show you something, but I'd prefer to watch you like this" he smiled. He walked foreword until my back softly hit the bookcase.

"You're so beautiful" he whispered once again. My hands caressed his arms, but I was stopped from going any further with my actions when a familiar voice was heard.



"Baby, don't, she's not worth it!" another familiar voice yelled. My heart skipped a beat at the two voices ringing throughout the library. Jungkook slowly put me back onto the floor, and took my hand. His eyes showed a hint of worry as he smiled at me.

Footsteps could be heard making their way towards us, as I was being pulled between an endless amount of book cases. "Not worth it? I know she's not worth it Yejin, but she will not fuck me around and humiliate me in front of the entire school. That new toy of her's is gonna get it!" Kyuhyun's dangerously close voice sent chills down my spine. He can hurt me - he's always been hurting me, but he can't hurt Jungkook. 

My hand was tightened as I was pulled into a room at the back of the library. The click of the door told me that it had been locked, and my muscles somewhat relaxed. 

"Hey, Maddy - baby, please don't cry" the soothing voice of the man I love whispered, holding me in his arms. 

"I can't stop" I blubbered, "He's serious, and I don't know what he will do to you - I can't lose you now, I've only just got you" the tears stung my eyes, the worry stung my heart. His arms tightened around me, and I felt comfort and safety, I never wanted to let go from his touch.


I jumped at the suddenness of the door, the only thing keeping us hidden, being hit with an iron fist. I hid my face in Jungkook's chest. 

"It's okay, I've got you" his soft voice whispered. I clung onto his shirt, waiting for the noise to go. A few moments of silence made me lift my head up again, looking towards the door.

"I think they've gone" Jungkook let go of me as he unlocked the door and peeked his head out into the dark library. Quickly grabbing his hand, I pulled him back into the small room and locked the door again.

"Don't go out there" I shook, grabbing his face with my hands. Pulling his face closer towards mine, I repeated my words, "Don't you dare go out there. Don't leave me" It was almost a plead as tears gathered at the rims of my eyes. 

"Baby, he's gone. Besides, I've got you right where I want you, so why would I leave?" It was only now that I bothered to look around the room we were in to notice. There were cushions, and a few blankets strewn across the floor along with a small box wrapped with a blue ribbon.

"huh" I gasped, looking around. "Was this - what you wanted to show me?" I asked, looking back up into his hazelnut eyes. He nodded his head in response and I lurched forward to peck his lips. He smiled down at me and lead me towards the blankets. He sat down, automatically pulling me down with him. Leaning my head against his shoulder, he picked up the small box and handed it over to me. I slowly pulled on the ribbon, watching it gracefully fall onto the blanket as it became undone. The lid on the box flipped up and inside was the most beautiful ring I had ever seen. It was simplistic yet intricate, and had 'J&M' engraved in a swirling font. 

"Do like it?"

"Do I like it?! Jungkook this is the most-.... Nobody has e-.......... I love it" I beamed, "Almost as much as I love you" I told him sliding the ring onto the index finger on my left hand.   

Swiftly and surely Jungkook leaned into me, reassured me that he loved me too and planted his lips on top of mine.  The moment caught up with me as I kissed him back, guiding my tongue against his. 

My friends use to tell me that when you're ready you'll know. You'll know what to do, even if you haven't done it before, because it feels so right. I didn't realise how right they were, and how right everything felt in that one moment. I completely forgot about Kyuhyun, Yejin and everyone else in this world, my entire focus was on the man next to me. The one man who treated me in such a way I thought I didn't deserve, but he taught me that I did deserve it, I deserved everything he gave me.

I slowly wrapped my legs around his waist, knowing that whatever happened I wouldn't regret it. He let out a satisfied groan as I brushed up against him, and his hands pulled me further. "Baby are you sure?" He asked, his nose softly brushing my ear.

"With you, I'm sure of everything" I smiled, bringing his lips back towards mine. 


AN: HEY!!! Thank you for waiting for the second part of 'Jungkook Suddenly....' I'm sorry for the long wait, or if it wasn't what you wanted or expected, but I am slowly running out of story ideas. All i want to do is write but I can't seem to think of anything to write. 

Anyway, i'm sorry for any spelling/grammar mistakes as this chapter has not been edited just yet!

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