Exo - D.O

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For the past few weeks Junshin had been acting strange around Kyungsoo - her boyfriend of two years - and he wanted to find out why. He came up with the perfect plan to test how much she loves him, but he never intended for there to be reprocussions.

Today was going to be the day that Do Kyungsoo, one of the most popular boys at SMTrash High School, was going to flirt with other girls to see if his girlfriend truly loves him, and becomes jealous.

Kim Junshin couldn't be happier to be dating Kyungsoo - or Kyunggie as she call him. She knew her feelings for him were pure, but she didn't know if she truly loved him. Don't misunderstand; she's smitten with him, and loves to be around him. She loves, but she doesn't know if she's inlove with him.

Second period had just finished, meaning that it was break time. Junshin headed to her locker, where she would usually meet up with Kyungsoo, and then they would walk towards the quad hand in hand, and talk to his group of friends. He had eleven other friends, and they were so popular with the girls that they were given a group name: EXO. Junshin have no idea what it stands for, but she knew that it suited them. With the way they dress and act, and talk you could almost say that they were EXOtic.

Today was different however. When Junshin put her books away in her locker, she expected to see Kyungsoo stood there, with his usual heart shaped smile. She did see Kyungsoo, but she had never imagined to see him caressing the face of another girl - the head cheerleader to be specific.

"Oppa, that tickles" Juli laughed as she moved Kyungsoo's hand from her cheek to her waist. "That's better" she smirked, guiding his hands slowly down her body. Kyungsoo smirked at the action, and without moving his head, he looked past Juli's shoulder to see Junshin watching him. Junshin's eyes burned as salty tears trembled down her cheek. She couldn't bare to look anymore, and ran to the first place she could think of.

Junshin cried, and cried, letting her heart pour out into the toilet paper that she had pulled off the roll as soon as she locked herself in the toilet cubicle. She wasn't so sure before, but now Junshin knew what she felt for Kyugsoo was more than just infatuation. "Kyunggie" she whispered through her tears, yearning for what she just saw to be a lie. "Yah, deo gwaenchana?" a voice called through the door. It was Junshin's best friend, Ailee. They had become friends when they were paired together for a singing project. Ailee had such a strong, powerful voice, and Junshin could harmonise with her easily, earning them popularity points thorughout the school. Many people said that they should audition at JYPEnt, something Ailee always thought of doing, and Junshin had yet to think it through.

"I'm fine Ailee, please just go away. I'll be out in a minute" Junshin held back the voice cracks, knowing either way that Ailee knew she was tearing up inside.

"Hey", she called softly, "Has this got anything to do with Kyungsoo?" Ailee has sussed it out, and it was confirmed when she received no reply. "I'm going to kill him" she seethed.

"No, don't, please" Junshin begged, immediately unlocking the stall and holding onto Ailee's hands. Ailee couldn't bear to see her best friend in agony, so she had to do something. She opened her mouth to speak when Junshin ran back into the cublicle. Ailee turned to see what had made her run back into hiding, and came face-to-face with Juli.

"Oh, have you heard" Juli spoke, her voice anoyingly high pitched. She pouted as she carried on speaking, "Kunggie oppa broke up with her - for me" she smirked. Her words didn't go by unnoticed and Junshin let out a quiet sob, chocking on her own breath. Juli let out a light chuckle. "Sorry...love" she continued to chuckle as she left the girls bathroom. "YAH!" Ailee screeched, running after the stone cold cheerleading bitch.

Everything went quiet for Junshin. "He actually left me" she cried, grabbing a hold of her chest. What exactly had she done in her past life to deserve this, she thought.

Kyungsoo felt guilty, and he couldn't find Junshin anywhere. After he saw her face, he knew he had made the wrong decision, and wanted to apologise straight away. "Hyung!" he called as he saw Xiumin coming out of the boys bathroom. "Have you seen Junshin, i can't find her anywhere" he panicked. Xiumin just shrugged his shoulders, apologising to his friend, "Can't say i have, sorry bro"

"Wah, Kyungsoo oppa must have hurt her bad for her to be crying in the girls bathroom" Kyungsoo heard the girls voice and without a care he ran into the girls bathroom, and headed straight to the end cublicle where the sobs could be heard from. The girls that were in the bathroom hurridly left, not wanting to be caught up in the rut that was about to happen.

Without a word, Kyungsoo knocks on the door to the stall. "Ailee?" hiccuped Junshin. Kyungsoo's heart broke when he heard her voice. Her beautiful singing voice was cracked, thanks to him noless. The cubicle door opened slowly, and Kyungsoo took this as his chance; he squeezed himself into the 2x3 toilet stall and locked the door behind him.

"Kyungg-" Junshin stopped herself. She couldn't call him that now that he had left her. She coughed to clear her throat before asking, "What are you doing here?" Kyungsoo reached his hand up and stroked away the tears on her cheek.

"I'm here because for you" he whispered. The gap between them was almost non-existant, and it took only a whisper for Junshin to hear him.

"Why Kyungsoo?" she begged him, "Why'd you do it?" She took his hand from her face and he dropped it at his side. A pang in his chest told him that it would take more than a 'Sorry' to make up for what he did. "Before this all started I didn't know my true feelings towards you, i thought that we were just some high school couple that weren't going to last long, i mean, we leave in a couple of months, both of us are going to different colleges. It wasn't until this morning that i realised that i actually love you. I really love you, Kyungsoo, so please, just tell me why"

"I didn't mean for it to happen" he told her, and then went on to explain the truth behind his actions and his motive to do what he did. Junshin was shocked to hear Kyungsoo's explanation. He had good intentions but he went too far with his experiment.

"So, what Juli said, wasn't true?" she asked, hesitant of his reply. Kyungsoo cocked his head in confusion. Junshin went on to explain, "She told me that you left me...for her" she hung her head, not wanting to see his expression.

"I could never do that to you" he whispered, wrapping his arms around her small frame. "Hey, and for the record..." Junshin looked up to see Kyungsoo's face, "...I love you too". He smiled his adorable heart shaped smile and leaned down to kiss his beautiful girlfriend.

Their lips had barely touched when a loud knock came from the cubicle door. Junshin was jumped in shock and almost fell onto the lid of the toilet, but as always, Kyungsoo held her close to her. "Mr. Do, Miss Kim, what on earth do you two think you're doing in there?" shrilled the voice of their Form Tutor.

"We're screwed" Kyungsoo whispered, resting his forehead on Junshin's.

AN: This one shot was requested by JunShin on AFF. As always, i'm sorry for any spelling and/or grammar mistakes! 

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