B2ST - Junhyung

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 AN:   Sorry in advance for any spelling mistakes and grammar mistakes


*Titta POV*

"Ok class, get ready to board the coach as soon as you put your luggage in the back of the coach." shouted the teacher as everybody started to line up. I ended up being the last person in the line, which i didn't mind. It's not as if i have any friends in this school that would actually save me a place in line. 

Everybody likes to call me 'nerd' as i like to keep to myself and i'm always reading a book. I'm also shy in front of new people, and that's why on my first day at this new high school, everybody thought i was mute and discriminated against me and called me things like 'freak' and a 'nobody'. They're pretty hurtful words, but i don't let them know that.

I finally managed to put my luggage on the coach and made my way to actually get on it.  As soon as i made my way inside of the coach, i noticed that there was only one space left. *I feel sorry for the unfortunate person who has to sit next to me this time* i sarcastically thought. 

People are always making fun of me and a couple of people have even said that who ever sits next to me will actually develop this rare disease that they've have called 'Titta-itis'. 

I shook the thought out of my head and made my way towards the back of the coach where the last seat available was. As i approached the chair, which had a boy sitting next to it, on the aisle seat, one of the Queenkas stretched out their leg and tripped me up. I went flying and the next thing i know, i'm lying on the boys lap, looking straight into his eyes as he stares back at mine with his arms wrapped around my body as he had just caught me.

*Junhyung POV*

Time stopped as i caught Titta in my arms. Her eyes are so beautiful, her nose as cute as a button, and her lips are so kissable. 

I didn't realise that we had been staring at each other for a few seconds until one of the teachers came to check to see if we were wearing our seat belts. He walked towards us and coughed rather loudly. Titta quickly stood up and sat in her seat and put on her belt. Her cheeks started to turn pink and she quickly reaches into her bag to pull out a book. "Mr.Yong, i don't think this is the right to time to flirt. Do you?" he asked. 

I quickly shook my head "No sir". Mr.Lee looked at Titta, opened his mouth to say something, but then changed his mind and carried on with checking everybody's seat belts. 

"Ok class, i hope you're all looking forward to our trip to the 'Seyoung Woods' for the week. I hope you all packed extra clothing" exclaimed Mrs.Oh at the front of the coach. All of the kids shouting 'Deh' and were excited.

I turned to see Titta reading her book, but her face seemed to be confused. A smile then crept it's way across her face. *It must be an interesting book* i thought. I smiled as i pulled out my earphones. I put them in my ears, but didn't plug them into my phone. 

I started to think about Titta. Yes, i used her name. I bet i'm the only person who knows her name, not even Mr.Lee knew her name. 

I remember her first day at our school in Year 7. She was so cute and her big eyes were just captivating. When she was asked to introduce herself she went all scared and just bowed. That was when all of the name calling started and everybody started to hate against her.

Every since then, i have always looked out for Titta to make sure no trouble comes to her. I can stop the physical abuse, but not the verbal abuse. 

*Titta POV*

Although i'm trying to read my book, my mind can't help but go back to Junhyung. Of course i know his name, i can't help it if he has been my crush for the past three years. He's just so perfect. The way he is around his friends just makes me want to go up to him and hug him.

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