A vampire love story

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There's a legend where I come from that no one dares to speak of.

There's a legend where I come from where nobody would dare speak his name....

There's a legend where I come from where I spoke his name.....and he came for me.


*Kim Sophie POV*

"Yah, you don't actually believe in that old myth do you?" I laughed out loud in my seat.

My school friends instantly covered my mouth with their hands to stop me from drawing in any unwanted attention.

"...and you don't believe in it?" Asked Mia, my best friend.

"Of course not! Why would I believe that a vampire would come after me, if I utter his name three times whilst stood in front of a mirror? It's just a story that our parents made up to scare us" I told them nonchalantly.

"How can you be so calm when speaking about it?!" Freaked Minhee, my other best friend.

I thought for a few seconds before saying "Meet me at my work place when my shift ends and we'll try out this experiment for ourselves."

"Yah! Are you out of your mind?!?" The two girls shouted.

"Why not?", I asked, "You chicken?" I giggled.

It took nearly all of the school day to persuade Mia and Minhee to meet me in the cafe that my parents own after my shift.

I closed the blinds of the windows and we started....whatever it is that we're going to do; conjure up a vampire i guess.

"You weren't joking were you?" Minhee asked, slightly scared.

"Guuuuuuys" I whined. "It's not real, watch" I told them as I went and stood in front of the large mirror by the counter.

"What's his name again?" I turned to face the two shivering girls.

"S-se..." Started Mia.

"...Hun" finished Minhee, both scared to say his full name.

"Sehun?" I mumbled "Ok, got it" I smiled and turned back around to the mirror.

"Sehun" I said.


"Sehun!" Exclaimed.

Still nothing.

"See guys, I told you nothing wo- GUYS!" I shouted. They had disappeared from sight.

"SOPHIE!" They shouted. I ran towards their voices to see that they had been locked outside.

"Ok, stop playing around" I laughed as I went to unlock the door.

It's stuck.

"Mia, open the door" I sternly spoke.

"I-it's not us!" Mia sobbed.

"Sophie watch out!" Minhee shouted.

I spun around see a tall, young boy with messy dark hair and piercing red eyes. Wait- RED eyes?!?

"W-who are you?" I asked as he slowly walked towards me.

No answer.

"You even got some one to dress up?" I turned back to the girls who were separated by the locked glass door.

"Who is it; Max or Yunho?" I asked.

"I-it's him" the girls screamed before running away in fear.

"Yah!" I screamed after them.

I turned back around to take a good look at the "vampire"

"Ok you can stop acting now" I told him. The mysterious man just tilted his head to the side in confusion.

"Come on - stop playing. How much did they pay you, huh?" I asked.

Ok this guy is really started to freak me out a bit.

"Your blood...." 'Sehun' spoke

*My blood?*

"....smells so sweet" he carried on as he cornered me. There was no escape, and this man was really starting to scare me.

"A-are you really....a vampire?" I stuttered.

Sehun leant his head down until he was centimetres away from my neck.

"Yes" he whispered in my ear before grazing his teeth over my skin and sinking them into the side of my neck.

"Ah!" I cried out in pain as Sehun used his hands to keep my head still.

The pain was beginning to become unbearable...and that's when the visions started.


"Yah oppa, where are you going?" My fifteen year old self asked the young boy in front of her, as he started to walk towards the woods.

"I won't be gone long, my sister lost her necklace in there- it's the last thing our mother gave her before dying. I need to find it for her" he was crying from the thought of his mother.

"Then let me come with you Sehun" I pleaded.

"Ani, the woods aren't sa-"

"Exactly!" I cried. "Think of the legend. W-what if it gets you" my tears were uncontrollable.

Sehun walked towards me and wrapped his arms around my small frame.

"I promise I'll be fine. If I'm not back within an hour, then and only then, you can tell my father where I am and he will come get me" he told me. He pulled back a little bit and looked me in the eyes.

"Sophie, saranghae" he smiled before leaning in and kissing me softly on the lips before leaving.

*end of visions*

Suddenly the pain stopped and I slid down to the floor.

"S-s-Sophie" came a trembling voice. I could barely hold my head up as the man bent down and pulled me into a hug.

"I can't believe it's you. I'm so sorry" he cried.

"O-oppa?" I asked shocked.

"Eo" he nodded as he pulled back a little bit.

"Y-you were gone for 3 hours before the police gave up. I promised myself that I wouldn't believe that the legend had got you. I took care of your sister, and I always believed that you'd come back" I cried, putting my new found strength into pulling him in to a hug.

"Sophie" he whispered. "I-I am a vampire. The legend is real....it got me" he smiled sadly.

"C-can you stay? Please" I pleaded.

"That's the thing" he said.

"I've just drank your blood...that's means we're bound together. I'll always have a track on you" he smirked leaning his head towards me, "Aren't you scared?" He asked.

I giggled "How can I be scared of the boy who thought that a monster lived under his bed until he was 12"

"I missed you" he smiled.

"I missed you too, but please promise that you'll ask before sucking my blood next time" I joked.

Sehun blushed as I pecked a small sweet kiss on his lips.

AN: ok so right now I'm at work. We've been open for 2 hours (because of this stupid British rain) and I've only had three people come in so I had plenty of time to do another update.

Oh and if anyone is from England; this rain huh??!!

Anyways, sorry for any spelling and/or grammar mistakes and if it's quiet (or I'm feeling up to it) I'll update again later today!

Thank for reading xx

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