B2ST - Junhyung

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"Hey baby girl" Junnie greeted me. 

I had just walked into our form room. "Hey Junnie" i greeted and gave him a hug. "How was your weekend?" i asked him, sitting down on the chair next to his.


"It was so funny Titta, we were playing basketball, and hyung went to shoot the ball into the hoop and slipped over. Here, i caught it on camera!" Dongwoon could just about talk properly with the amount of laughing that was being emitted from his lungs. 

He placed his phone in front of me "Yah~" called Junnie. He reached out to grab the phone but i managed to sit on his lap and grab it before he does. 

"Oh my god, that is so funny" i laughed.

(The video)

"Dongwoon, are you filming this, this is going to be the best slam dunk you will ever seen in your life" Junnie called.

"Neh, hyung" called the voice behind the phone.

Junhyung looked really professional in his basketball attire.

He ran towards the hoop and just as he was about to jump, he mis-calculated the distance and fell over backwards. His arms moving in the comical way. 

"SLAAAAAAM DUNK!" screamed Yoseob as Junhyung fell to the floor. 

The camera moved to show Kikwang and Yoseob laughing, there faces were bright red, and they were in stitches after Yoseob's scream, earning Yoseob a high five from Kiki.

The camera moved again to show Dujun and Hyungseung both laughing so hard that they had to lean on each other for support as they couldn't stand up properly.

"Hyung you were right, that is the best slam dunk i will ever see in my life!" laughed Dongwoon as he walked towards a sprawled out Junnie.

"Just don't show Titta" he groaned as he sat up.

(Video ends)

"Oh...my...god" i couldn't stop laughing and my sides were literally about to split.

"YAH!" whined Junnie. We weren't listening to him though, as we were too busy laughing.

"Ok class, settle down. Especially you lot at the back" Mr.Lee walked into the room and everyone immediately ran back to their own seats.


"Hey babe, since we didn't get to see each other the other day, do you want to go out tonight...on a date?" asked Junnie, rubbing the back of his neck. His cheeks started to go pink, and anybody could tell that he was getting nervous.  

"Babe, i would really love to but i can't. I have a...family related problem." i told him. His face looked sad. "Don't worry, what about tomorrow?" i asked him. He just continued to pout at me. *Damn, i'm so tempted to bite that lip* i thought. 

I was too lost in my thoughts to see Junnie smirking at me. He leaned in and pressed his lips and against mine. We were both so lost in the moment that we didn't hear the *cough cough* coming from behind us.

"Mr. Yong, Miss Park, may i remind you that this is a school environment." came Mr.Lee's annoying voice.

*oh how i hate that voice* i thought.


*Junhyung POV*

"Yoseobbie i'm getting that feeling again" i pouted. Yoseob just chuckled over the phone.

"Hyung, Titta noona said that it was family related didn't she? So you don't have to keep going on about it as if she's cheating on you" spoke Seob, chuckling. 

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