You cooked Yoongi.....

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"Look honey, it's only going to be one night." My father sighed, stroking my hair as I laid in his arms on the sofa.

"I know" I mumbled, "It's just that it's always like this. Just when I think everything is okay, you and Mum leave again."

"I know, and I'm truly sorry" he sighed, "Maybe you could invite Yoongi over?" He suggested. Leaning up from him I looked at him in disbelief.

"Appa~" I whined.

"What?" Chuckling he sat up too, "He's a sensible young man. I trust him"

"You've met Yoongi, but I don't think you've met Suga" I laughed, standing up from the sofa and walked into the kitchen, to where my phone was plugged in on the worktop. I had one unread message from the boy in question.

You free tonight??

I smiled sadly down at my phone, and typed back a response;

As always :( wanna come round?

Hearing shuffling behind me, I instantly dropped my phone back onto the counter and turned to see my mother pulling a suitcase into the kitchen.

"I thought you were only going for one night?" I frowned, helping her carry the heavy suitcase.

"That was the plan, dear yes - I've just had a call from the company and they need a few more things sorting out whilst we're there" She looked more excited than sorry, but she gave me a hug nonetheless.

"How many days?" I asked, accepting the truth.

"Only three" she replied, planting a kiss on my head. This day just gets worse and worse.

The silence was destroyed by a ping coming from my phone. I turned around so fast in my mothers arms that I thought I'd given myself whiplash.

"Someone expecting a call?" My mother laughed, watching me as I danced towards my phone.

"Just waiting for Yoongi to reply. I've invited him round for dinner, since you guys'll be leaving soon" I unlocked my phone with a slide of my finger on the screen, and opened my messages.

Of course I'll be there Princess :P

"Woah there, you don't have to blush so much!" My mother exclaimed, peeking at my phone over my shoulder.

"I'm not!" I locked my phone hid my face behind my long auburn locks.

"Honey, you ready?" My father asked, sauntering into the kitchen. He wrapped an arm around my mothers waist and kisses her cheek.

"Of course I am!"

"Wait, you're going now?" I asked.

"Sorry baby girl, we need to be there by 10pm, otherwise Jared will go crazy. You know how he is" my mother reasoned.

"Right, Jared - of course" running a hand through my hair, I smiled at them both and bid them good bye.

Standing there whilst watching them leave was so hard. It felt like good bye, but somehow I felt like there wouldn't be a 'hello'.

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