BTS - Jungkook

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*Laura Lu POV*

"Come on, Laura. It's going to be fuuuuuuun" Whined Kookie.

It was a typical Sunday morning, and me and Jungkook oppa were lying on his bed; one of his arms was being used as my neck support, cradling my head. His other arm was currently behind his head. He didn't have a schedule this week as BTS were having a break before preparing for their comeback.

"I don't know oppa. You know i don't like camping" I turned my head to face him, giving him my 'puppy dog eyes'.

"You know that doesn't work on me" He chuckled, leaning his head down and kissing the end of my nose. I blushed in return, pushing my head into the crook of his neck. I still get embarrassed when he does that, and he only does it because he knows it makes me melt.

"Araseo, i'll come" i mumbled into his shirt.

Feeling a heavy weight press down on me, I opened my eyes to see Jungkook towering over me, leaning down just enough that his body was gently leaning on me.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you" he covered my face in kisses.

"Oppa" I giggled, trying to push him off me, but failing, miserably. With one last kiss on my cheek, Jungkook pulled back and just stared at me. Mirroring his actions, I admired his face; his adorale little eyebrows, to his chocolate brown eyes, his defined nose, all the the way down to his full, kissable lips.

"Laura" He breathed, "You don't understand how happy you make me. I can't even put it into words how much i love you" I lifted my hand up, and softly caressed his cheek.

"You've changed me..." I whispered, "...and turned me into a better person than I was before." Looking into his hypnotising eyes, I told him truth of how much he means to me, "The girl i was before - she was a selfish bitch who never would have thought that the new boy in class would steal her heart the moment he introduced himself to her." I wanted to carry on, heck, i could talk for days about how Jeon Jungkook has had a major impact on my life, and brightened it up, but that all came to a stop when a soft pair of lips caressed my own.


The day of the vacation arrived, hurray.....(-_-)!

"Laura, you ready babe?" Jungkooks voice rang throught my apartment. I just managed to zip up my suitcase when he arrived with Hoseok oppa, and Namjoon oppa.

"Here, i'll take that" Namjoon offered.

"Thank you, oppa" I gave him my best eye smile. With that, he took my suitcase from me, and ran with it downstairs to where the car was parked.. Hoseok didn't stop to chat as he ran straight through to the bathroom.

"What's wrong with him?" I asked Kookie, snuggling into his torso.

"Ah, he forgot to go to the toilet before we came out" He chuckled, "Sometime i wonder if i'm really the maknae"

"GASP!" I said, jokingly, "Maybe Hoseok really is the maknae!" I pulled away from Jungkook, faking a shocked expression. We both let out a chuckle as he pulled me back into his embrace.

"Thank you" he smiled, rubbing his hand on my shoulder.

"For what?"

"For coming with us on our weekend off. I know how much you hate camping, so i really apreciate you coming" he pecked a soft kiss on my cheek as Hoseok oppa came walking out of the bathroom with both hands deep in his pockets.

"Kaja!" he winked at us, walking out of the dorm.


"Where are the others?" I asked as we set off in the car. Namjoon oppa was driving with Hoseok oppa sat in the passenger seat, leaving me and Kookie to sit in the back.

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