EXOM - Chen

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*Chen POV*

"Hyuuuuung, please!" i begged Xiumin hyung as he put on his coat to go out.

"Andwae~!" He cried like a little baby and left the apartment.

"Tao, you'll come with me, won't you?" i asked him, pouncing on the couch next to him and Kris as they play mario kart on the wii. "Sorry hyung, i guess you'll have to go trolling on your own" he smirked. "kr-"

"No" he rushed.

"Fiiine" i moaned and went to put my cap on. "I guess i'll just have to play knock-door-run on my own"

I left the apartment and made my way to the first apartment.

(30 minutes later)

I knocked on the door and ran to hide behind the plantpot near the elevator, in exactly the same place as on all of the other floors. 

I waited for a few moments before a big burly man opened the door. He looked left, and then right. 

I couldn't help my sniggering, and held a hand on my mouth to stop the laughter for escaping. 

The man scratched his head in confusion and went back inside his apartment.

"His face!" I giggled as i stood up from my hiding spot. I pulled out a piece of paper from my pocket and crossed off the number of my list.

1A  2A  3A

1B  2B  3B

1C  2C  3C

"3C is the last one" i smilied at my list and made my way over to apartment 3C.

I quickly knocked the door and ran to hide behind of the plan pot. I waited, and waited but still no answer. "Maybe they're not in" i suggested and went to knock on the door one more time when the door started to hesitantly open, as if someone was opening it with a shaky hand. The door opened to reveal a a woman wearing an oxygen mask. She was pale and looked very weak. *Oh no, i've just made her walk to the door for nothing.* I opened my mouth to say something when the woman started to breath very heavily. Her pupils widened as her eyes started to roll backwards, and the next thing i know, she's in my arms as i caught her from collapsing to the floor. 

*Narrator POV*

Chen held the girl in his arms, the small portable oxygen tank resting on top of the girl as he took her into her apartment. He scolded himself mentally as he just made a woman waste oxygen and energy, which are very prescious to her, but are taken for granted by him.

He noticed that the layout was very similar to his apartment and immediately took her to her room. He layed her down on the bed and checked the oxygen tank, even though he had no idea what he was doing, to see if there was enough oxygen left. 

*Chen POV*

*I can't just leave like this when i was the one who caused her to collapse* i thought. I sat on the chair next to her bed and decided to wait until she woke up.

"Jogiyo (Excuse me)" came a very weak voice. I looked up from the floor to see the girl with the oxygen mask in her hands. "Oh, ani, put that back on" i rushed as i took the mask and placed it over her mouth. She just smiled at me. "Do you want some water?" i asked and she nodded her head 'yes'. 

2 Months Later

So it's been two months since i decided to play knock-door-run, which means it's been two months since i first met Minhee. In the past two months i found out quite a lot about Minhee. 

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