B2st - Junhyung

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AN: I know I haven't done one in ages and I thought 'heck why not' (this ones for Titta - hope you like it!)


*titta Pov*

"I don't want to!" She screamed for the fifth time.

"Yah~" I cooed down to the little girl. 'If you don't get dressed now then you won't be able to see oppa" I tried to persuade her.

Oppa - her eyes instantly lit up at the word.

Every now and then, when Junnie would be working, I take Yong Chan Ra to see her daddie and the rest of beast. All of his band mates love her, but Chan Ra's taken to Dongwoon the most.

Maybe it's because he buys her the most ice-cream?

"Omma" called Chan Ra, pulling me back into reality.

"Eo, kaja!" I smiled as my newly dressed daughter tugged on my hand. Her little pororo backpack strapped on her shoulders.


*Junhyung POV*

"Ok guys that's a wrap!" Yelled the choreographer as the music to shadow cut off.

"WOOOH!" Yelled Woonie and Yoseob as they picked up their water bottles and started to wipe off their sweat.

We're currently practising for our new Japan tour and we're including some new songs as well as some good old classics like 'shock' and 'soome'.

I sat down on the bench next to hyungseung, who is engaged in conversation with Dujun.

I smile as I unlock my phone to see a picture of me and my two gorgeous girls. It was taken when we went to the woods on a trip. Titta wanted to visit again as it was where we went on a school trip and became girlfriend and boyfriend.

"Appaaaaaa!" Screamed a little voice. I looked up to see my baby girl Chan Ra running towards me with big open arms.

"Hey baby girl. I missed you!" I exclaimed, picking her up into my arms and kissing her cheeks.

"I missed you too daddy" she giggled.

"CHAN RA!" Called Dongwoon.

"Oppa Woonie!" Chan Ra yelled before climbing out of my grasp and running over to Dongwoon and jumping on him whilst Yoseob shot an Instagram video of three of them.

"Yebeo!" I called as I wrapped my arms around my loving wife.

"Annyeong" she smiled up at me.

"Why are you here?" I asked.

"Wae, you don't want us here?" She asked, pouting.

"Ani, of course I want you here. I was just wondering why you came to see me" I told her. Looking down into her beautiful eyes.

"Chan Ra wanted to see her favourite oppa" Titta smiled, laughing as she looked over to see the trio in the corner goofing around together.

"...and you?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

"I wanted to see my favourite husband" she smirked.

" 'favourite' , you have more than one?!" I fake gasped.

"Of course I do! I have the sweet, loving Junnie when I go home and when I'm outside I have the manly, sexy Joker" she giggled.

"I have such a perfect life" I whispered, sighing as our faces inched themselves together.

"I love you" Titta whispered back before pecking my lips.

"사랑해" I whispered back before pressing my lips back onto hers and tightening my grip around her waist.


AN: hey guys! I haven't done a one shot in a while so I decided to start them off again. Don't forget you can also request a one shot as a comment on chapter 2!

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