TeenTop - Changjo

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*Changjo POV*

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*Changjo POV*

"Oppa!" came a voice from the door. Spinning on my heels, my eyes laid upon one of the most beautiful girls i had ever seen. MY GIRLFRIEND. Her flashed her pretty eye smile as she bounced her way into the dance room - her hair bobbing up and down as her energetic self ran towards me......and past me.

'Ricky oppa!" She laughed when he wrapped his arms around her. "I haven't seen you in forever!" she exclaimed.

"How's my Jiyun doing?" he asked, ruffling her hair.

"Move....your hand Ricky" I seethed under my breath. I hadn't seen my girlfriend for three weeks and the first person she greets is Ricky! She literally ran past me to get to him.

My chest started to hurt, it was like somebody had grabbed a hold of my chest and were ever so slightly squeezing it. "Changjo oppa!" her sweet voice pulled me back into reality just in time to be pounced on by Jiyun.

"Bogoshipeo" she whispered as she burried her face in my neck. Just over her shoulder I saw Ricky smiling at Jiyun. I sent him a glare and he coughed out of awkwardness before going back to rehearsing his dance moves. That's right, look away, i thought sarcastically.

"I missed you too, baby girl" I whispered back, tighteninng my grip around her, savouring the moment. Jiyun lifted There was something in me that told me that something was going to happen. Something that i didn't want to happen, but will happen all the same.

"Oh, Jiyon! Are you staying to watch us practice?" asked Neil as he entered the dance studio.

"Neh, oppa" Jiyun pulled back from my embrace and ran over to Neil.

She's gone again. It's like she's purposefully trying to avoid me. Have I done something wrong? Is she upset about something?


"Jiyun, look at this!"

"Waaah, you're so cool oppa"

"Do you want to try this Jiyun?"

"Jiyun, do you want to eat diner with me today?"

Ricky had not stopped talking to Jiyun since she arrived. I haven't seen her in three weeks, and whe we finally see each other, she spends all of her time with Ricky.

*Kim Jiyun POV*

"Ricky oppa, is Changjo angry with me?" I asked Ricky, when we went down to the Brave Sound cafeteria. We had ordered our food and sat down in a private cublicle. Ricky oppa gave me a confused look as he started on his food.

"How do you mean?" he asked.

"Well, he hasn't really spoken to me at all today. I came to surprise him, but he doesn't really look happy" I told him, staring blankly at my own food. I didn't really want to have this conversation with my own cousin, but he was the only one I could speak to at the moment.

"Ah, I think I know what you're on about" he smiled up at me. I smiled back waitinf to hear his answer. "Judging by the way that you've been acting today, I bet he thinks that you're avoiding him, and he doesn't know if he's done something wrong to upset you" he told me.

"R-Really?" I could never hurt Changjo. We've been dating for almost four years now, I can't believe he'd think that he's hurt me. "Oppa mianhae" I rushed as i grabbed my bag and ran out of the cafeteria. I ran towards the elevator to see it out of action. "Oh, for-" i almost cursed as I ran to the stair-well and ran up four flights of stairs towards Changjo's dance studio.

"Changjo!" I called, panting for breath. I bent down in frustration when I saw that nobody was here. "He needs to know" I cried into the thin air.

"Who needs to know what?" asked a voice from behind me. I spun around to see changjo holding a bittle of water, and sporting a white towel arounce his neck. The sweat that dripped from his forehead made him look shiny. He looked goreouse.

"Oppa, I know that you think-"

"Think? You think, I don't know that you are seeing another boy behind my back?" He took a step towards me, giving me a look that i never thought he would ever give me.

"I-i'm not seeing another boy behind your back!" i exclaimed, highly offended.

"Really?..." he asked, sarcastically, "...because i've seen you today Jiyun, and i've seen the looks that you and Ricky are giving each other" he growled. "If you really wanted to date my band mate then you all you had to do was ask. You're free to leave me, but just don't deceive me" he gave me a look of disgust before leaving he room.

"Yah! I'm not done with you yet Changjo!" I ran out into the corridor to see Changjo slowly walking away from me. "Listen to me" i called out to him, but he didn't look back. "Changjo let me explain" i pleaded with him, my voice cracking, but still, he didn't stop. "Ricky is my cousin you pabo!" i screamed, tears falling down my face. I'm not letting us break up over something so stupid.

He stopped. Changjo actually stopped. "I'm sorry for the way i acted today" I spoke down the corridor to his static body. "I'm not avoiding you - despite what you think - and i would never, ever go behind your back. I love you too much" i cried out to him, yearning for him to turn around.

"You, what?" he asked, his voice barely audible because of the distance he had put between us.

"I love you, you fool. I have always loved you, and i will never stop loving you" the tears streamed down my face. I had never told anybody that i loved them, and to be able to tell Changjo was one of the biggest fears of mine incase he never returned my feelings, but i'm in need right now, and i don't care if i sound pathetic.

Before i knew it, Changjo was stood infront of me, slowly closing the gap between our bodies. "Say it again"

"I love you" I whispered. A kiss was placed delicately on my closed eyelids, and a pair of arms wrapped themselves around my body, holding me close.

"I love you too." A kiss was pecked against my left cheek, and then my right. "I love you, so damn much" and finally, a sweet kiss was placed upon my lips, his slowly moving and moulding themselves around my own.

"I missed you" he spoke, resting his forehead on my own, his sweat now soaked up by the towel.

"I missed you too" I giggled, pecking his lips once more.

AN: Ok, so this one shot was requested by Kiyohyo on AFF. Thank you for requesting. I'm not really a big fan of Teentop - I was a fan when they first debuted but I lost interest as i became shameless SM-trash (>.<). I tried to incorporate 'Fluff' but I don't think it planned out well - i wrote a little different to what i had in mind. I'm sorry for any spelling/grammar mistakes as i have yet to edit this one shot (like all the others before it >.<)

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