Romeo and Juliet (Part 2)

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*Mimi POV*

Everybody is sat around the table. The director sat as the head of the table whilst myself and Yoseob sat next to him as we are the leads, whilst everybody else picked their own seats.

"Cheers!" A few of the actors cheered before clinking glasses together and taking a swig of their beer.

"So, Mimi-ah" started Yoseob, looking at me from across the table.

"Eo?" I asked, shyly.

"Cheers?" He asked, lifting up his drink. Nodding my head I lifted up my own diet coke and clinked my own glass against his.

Taking a small sip I heard the director call for the waiter and order another beer.

"Sunbae, you haven't finished the first one yet!" Exclaimed Yoseob.

"Ani, this one is for mimi" he smiled.

"N-naega?" I stuttered, whilst pointing to myself. "I...I've never drunk alcohol before" my eyes widened.

"Never?" Gasped Yoseob.

"Since becoming a trainee, I've never been able to" I informed them, sheepishly.

"Here you go sir" the waiter announced, as he placed the pint of beer on the table.

"Thank you"

Everyone suddenly stopped and stared me as I looked down at the drink. The white foam at the top of the glass started to die down, revealing the the golden liquid that was alcohol.

I looked up to Yoseob, dying inside in case I choke on my first sip in front of him.

*what if he thinks that I'm weird?*

*what if he thinks that I can't handle drin- well I can't - but that's not the point*

"How about...." started Yoseob, I'm guessing he could see how awkward this is for me.

"... We have a competition?" He suggested. He looked around the table, making sure everyone was listening.

"On the count of three, everybody has to down their drink, and the last person to finish has to do whatever the first person to finish says"

Everybody nodded their heads in agreement as they picked up their glasses and raised them in one giant 'cheers'.

As Yoseob and the others start to down their drink, I reluctantly took a sip of mine.

*This isn't so bad*

It had a sweet tang to it and a fruity aftertaste *what did Sunbae order?!*

I took another sip from my tall glass but as I swallowed it down, people started to cheer and high five each other.

I peered around to see that everyone had already finished and were now anticipating what the loser - me - has to do.

Smiling sheepishly, I put the drink back into the table. "W-who came first?" I asked around.

"NEAGA!" Cheered the voice of the angle-like man sat in front of me.

*oh no!* I mentally exclaimed.

"What does she have to do hyung?" Asked Jihoon, who was sat next to him.

"She has to...."

*Yoseob POV*

"What does she have to do hyung? Jihoon asked.

It's obvious isn't it. I've been wanting to ask Mimi for a long time and now I finally have the opportunity to....and she can't say no.

"She has to let me walk her home" I smirked at her as her face expressed nothing but shock.



"Y-you don't actually have to walk me home" I stuttered unintentionally.

"Jincha? But I want to" Yoseob smiled.

His smile captivated me and I couldn't open my mouth to speak again.

*god please stop this awkward silence*

Then, as of God has answered my prayer; a man came running by us and as he passed he grabbed my bag and sprinted at full speed.

"YAH!" I shouted at the mysteriously hoodie man.

*this isn't what I meant God*

"YAH GUMANHAE!" Shouted Yoseob before running after the mugger.

"Really?!?" I asked no one in particular before running after Yoseob.

This shouldn't even be happening right now, I can't believe this is happening right now.

I rounded the corner, and tried to keep up with the men but soon ran into somethi-someone.

"O-oppa, gweanchana?" I asked him.

"Y...eogi" he panted as he handed me my bag back.

"Ha" I gasped but pulling him into a hug.

"Gomawo oppa!" I thanked, wrapped my arms around his waist.

*i can't believe he did that for me.*

*Yoseob POV*

"Y-yah, it was nothing" I replied, slowly placing my hands on her back.

"C'mon, let's get you home" I whispered after a few seconds.


*mimi pov*

"Thank you, again. Are you sure you're going to be alright walking home?"

"I'll be fine" he replied.

I hung my head, blushing to the floor.

"A-ar you worried about me, by any chance?" He asked.

My head whipped up in a second, surprisingly with no whiplash.

"No- yes wait, what I meant to say w-"

I stopped talking. Not because I wanted to, but because something happened that had never happened happened before.

He stole a kiss.

My first kiss.

It was only a peck on the lips and before I could take a breath he was already half way down the road.

"See you Monday!" He waves before turning back around and disappearing out of sight.


An: HEY GUYS. I know I said 'shortly' and it's been a month(or more 😁😁) but Romeo and Juliet Part 2 is now here.

If you don't know any of the Korean words used in this chapter, don't hesitate to ask!

Don't forget to request a one shot ANY WAY YOU LIKE; inbox, comment ect. I hope you enjoyed this chapter and please forgive any spelling and/or grammar mistakes.

Until next time.....

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