B1A4 - Jinyoung

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*Jinyoungs POV*

There's this girl in my class. Shy, quiet, keeps to herself. Her name is SeoheeShe never talks to anyone, and only speaks when she's been asked a question. Sometimes i wonder if she is quiet all the time, like at home. She doesn't have any friends and i guess that's always been ok with her as she never really shows any concern about anything.

Right now we're in form and she is sat at the back of the room, reading her novel, while everyone else is either talking about their weekend, or about how much of a freak she is.

"Why doesn't she talk to anyone, is she mute?"

"She doesn't speak, what kind of a person can't talk, she's not normal"

"Why does she even bother coming to school, dirty little freak!sneered the other students. 

She's not a freak and i wish everybody would just shut up about it. Seohee has never done anything wrong to anyone, so why must she be treated this way?

I turned my head and saw Seohee's face grow a deep red. It wasn't hard to tell that she'd heard what had been said about her. She quietly got up, grabbed her bag, and walked out of the class.

As soon as the door clicked shut, the rage inside of me quickly built up, and i stood up on my chair to make sure i was being heard.

"Oppa, wae geurae? (What's wrong?)" asked a girl. 

"You guys should be ashamed of yourselves, did you see Seohee's face? Do you know how hurtful your words are to her? She can't go a single school day without everybody talking trash about her. Why can't you just leave her alone? What has she done to you, for you to treat her like this? -"

Before i could carry on any further, CNU pulled me down from the chair."Hyung" i whined. 

"Jinyoung, you've made your point, now sit down before seonsaengnim (the teacher) gets here" he informed me. I gave everybody one last glare and sat down, just in time for the seonsaengnim to enter and i had to stand up again, along with the rest of the class, to greet him.

*Seohee's  POV*

"...dirty little freak" that's it, i can't take it anymore.

Before i could break down and show my weak side, i grabbed my stuff and headed out of the door. I managed to close the door just before i tripped over my shoe laces and my bag fell open, causing all of my school equipment to fall out. *Why is this happening?* i thought as a tear rolled down my cheek.

I bent down to pick up my belongings when i heard a chair screech from inside the classroom. As i continued to pick up my stuff, i carried on listening to the ruckus as my tears fell.

"You guys should be ashamed of yourselves..." the voice started. It sounded so familiar.

"... did you see Seohee's face? Do you know how hurtful your words are to her..." he's talking about me? 

"...she can't go through a single school day without you talking trash about her..." 

did he see me leave? "...why can't you just leave her alone?" 

did he see me cry? "...what has she done to you, for you to treat her like this?" then, his voice stopped.

I couldn't believe my ears, someone actually cared about me.

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