SuperJunior - Donghae

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"Lee Donghae, i don't know what in the world you think you're doing, but i suggest that you put that death stick out before i report you to the head teacher" The shrill of the hall monitors voice was one that Lee Donghae knew well. Every morning would be the same; Wake up, walk to school, kiss Andrea - his girlfriend - goodbye, and ditch morning register for a secret cigarette behind the bike shed. It was usually at this point in the morning where Choi Siwon - self proclaimed hall monitor - would write him a 'ticket' and tell him to put out his Ciggy otherwise he'd tell the adults. 

"Oh yeah?" Donghae cocked is eyebrow as he stood up from against the wall, "Wanna say that again?" and with a few quick steps forward he had the other lad running for the hilltops. "Pathetic" he whispered as he took one last drag before throwing the little orange bud to the floor and sauntered off to first period; Math.


Lunch times were spent on the rooftop for Donghae. With a silent 'bye' to his friends he would rush to the rooftop, located above the science labs, before anybody could see him. It was here where he could spend time with - who he considered to be - the love of his life. 

Andrea, or Andi as her friends called her, was the only person who could talk back to Donghae and tell him what to do. If she said Jump he'd ask How high?

"Andi?" Donghae called as he couldn't see her anywhere. He placed down all of the food that he had brought and started the search for his disappearing girlfriend. 

"Baby, where are you?" He sang as he checked through all of the plants and behind the little janitors shed that was up there. His heart felt dejected as he couldn't find her, and he thought she'd stitched him up on their daily lunch date. Until....

"Roooar" a cute voice giggled as he felt a small weight jump onto his back. His face lit up and he spun around in delight that his girlfriend had turned up. Jumping off of his back Andrea apologised for being late,"Mian, Mr.Green held the class back for a few minutes. I got here as quick as i could" she told his pouting face. 

Oh if his friends could see him now; he'd be the laughing stock of the group. Lee Donghae has an image to uphold so Andi enjoyed all of the small things he did just for her - like pouting when he was sad, or jealous. 

With a quick kiss Andi managed to turn her boyfriend's frown upside-down and into a smug grin. "I forgive you" He beamed, leading her to the food that he had almost forgotten about. The couple sat down opposite each other and began to laugh as they ate. They talked about anything and everything that they could in the 45 minute gap that they had together.

Andrea knew that her and Donghae couldn't be seen together in public. He was the bad boy of the school, and she was the quiet girl who nobody really knew, but despite all of that the two clicked, and they both knew that. Donghae worshipped the ground that Andi walked upon, and Andi would do anything for Donghae. 

"Hey, catch!" but before Andrea could process what was happening, a grape had already hit her on the nose. She looked up to see her boyfriend doubled over with laughter, clutching his belly until he could make anymore noise. 

"Yah, why'd you do that?" Andi giggled, jumping up and pouncing on the male, pushing him backwards until he was laying on the stone floor. 

"Baby, i thought we'd discussed this. We're gonna wait 'til marriage. Remember?" 

"What are those?" Ignoring his teasing Andi had noticed a small blue box had fallen out of Donghae's jacket pocket.

"What are what?" he asked, sitting up. He knew in the back of his head what she had seen, but he did what he does best; act dumb. Andi picked up the blue box - still sitting on her boyfriend - and examined the box.

"I-i thought that you had quit" she stuttered. Tears grew in the back of her eyes as she remembered the last time Donghae smoked. His nails turned a yellowy colour and his eyes were always bloodshot. Andi never truly believed Donghae when he told her that he only smoked Tobacco, and it hurt her deeply when she caught a whiff of something illegal on his breath when he had tried to kiss her.  But through it all she stuck by his side, and slowly but surely helped him to stop smoking. She changed him for the better, and they both knew it.

"Hey, baby" his voice cooed as he embraced her teary state in his arms.

"Why would you?" She gasped, "After what happened last time."

"I know, i'm sorry baby. It was a one time thing, and i promise that i'll stop." Andi pulled away slightly from the hug.


"As long as it's what you want" he told her, and true to his word Donghae vowed to never touch another cigarette in his life. He felt stupid for buying another box, and he didn't want to see Andi cry, not again, not after everything he put her through last time. 

Donghae took the box from his girlfriends hand and threw it into the bin from across the roof. "Well, i am in the basketball team" he beams, admiring Andrea's bewildered expression. 


"Urgh, already?" Andrea moaned as the bell rang, signalling that it was the end of lunch. Donghae pulled her into one more hug, planting a soft kiss on her temple. 

"I'll miss you" 

"I'll miss you too" she smiled. Andi lifted her face and was instantly caught in a silky smooth kiss, and it wasn't until the warning bell rang not five minutes later that the pair pulled away from each other.

"I...." he started. Donghae knew that this wasn't the most romantic place to confession his love for Andi. He wanted it to be on a date in a fancy restaurant. He wanted her to be wearing a beautiful dress that he had picked out for her, and he wanted to be wearing a fitted suit that made him look elegant enough to have such a beautiful being on his arm.

"I...." But he couldn't get it out. Yeah, he had been dating Andrea for a little over two years, and okay maybe he had always known what he felt for her, but now that he wanted to say the words he didn't think he had the courage to say them. What if he got rejected? What if Andi didn't like him the way that he most definitely knew he liked her? 

"I love you too" a gentle voice broke him out of his reverie. He looked down to see his girl with the biggest smile ever.


After lunch, Donghae was back to his usual self; the cold bad boy image. He sat in the back on his Korean lesson with his feet crossed on the desk in front of him. His teacher had given up on telling him to put them on the floor after he'd flung a chair across the room and sent it flying into the blackboard. He'd admit that he's collected himself since, and his attitude has calmed down and he owed it all to hi girlfriend, the woman he loves, the woman who loves him back. He bent his head down to stop people from seeing his giant grin, but nobody would dare look at him anyway; they were all too scared.

At the end of the day Donghae always went to his locker to put back the books that he never read - never opened even, and today there was two unfortunate beings stood in front of his locker. "Move it" he spat, watching as the two boys looked at each other in horror, and didn't hesitate to run. He had to be cold to someone today; he'd been more than fluffy at lunch and he needed to make up for it.


AN: Hey, so this one shot was requested by @uzumaki_7 here on WATTPAD. I know it's been a while and i'm really sorry since i haven't been motivated or had the patience to write. I am currently working on the next requested (HINT HINT: What's the name of the game? <- Anyone to guess the band gets a dedication!) 5

I'm sorry for any spelling/grammar mistakes, even though i have edited this one shot, i've probabl missed something out - it wouldn't surprise me! 

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