EXO K - Chanyeol

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It was a Saturday morning when my best friend came to see me. His name was Park Chanyeol and we had been friends since i could remember. There was never a day where i wouldn't see him, and by spending all of that time with him i developed a crush on me - again starting ever since i could remember. 

"Hye Mi, Chanyeol is here!" shouted my mother up the stairs. A smile appeared on my face and i ran down stairs and was greeted by a freakishly tall, deep voiced, handsome eighteen year old by the name of Mr. Park Chanyeol......or 'Yoda' as i called him in private. He'd kill me if i said it in front of my mother. 

My mother left the living room as Chanyeol pulled me into a hug....well this is new! But i can't complain ^_^

"Woah, Channie, Gwenchana?" i asked as i wrapped my arms around his back.

"No, I just got some bad news today" he replied as he finally leaned out of the hug. I looked to his face and saw his eyes were puffy.

"Chan, have you been crying?" i whispered as our faces were so close together that i didn't need to talk loud. 

"Mwo, ani, i always look like this" he smiled sadly, turned his back to me and walked towards the sofa and sat down. 

"My last wish" he said out of the blue. I sat down opposite him and faced him.

"Your last wish? Have you given up on genies?" i laughed, looking at his beautifully sculptured face. 

"Yeah....something like that" he said, and looked down to the floor and back up again.

*Somethings wrong*

"So, what is your last wish?" i asked. I looked at him with all serious now.

You don't need to be friends with Chanyeol for 18 years to know that something is wrong. The tips of his ears go red and he looks scared.

He looked me in the eye and said with all seriousness.

"Let me kiss you?" I froze, how was i supposed to answer that? The boy of my dreams has literally just asked if he can kiss me!

Before i knew it, i had already pounced on him and was kissed him. It lasted a few seconds and it was perfect. It was soft and gentle at first, but then it became desperate as he wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me closer. He nibbled on my lip and in shock my mouth opened and he took his chance to slip his tongue inside of my mouth. I pulled back before anything more serious could happen.

"Chanyeol, my mother is in the kitchen" i whispered in worry. He smiled at me and stood up. 

"it's ok i've got to go" he said, smiling sadly.

*Ok something is really wrong*

"Chanyeol, what's going on, what's wrong?" i asked in concern.

"what?" he asked, "Nothing"

"Cut the crap, i know something is wrong" i said and pulled him to my bedroom to talk in private.

"Hye Mi, please, i have to go, i can't be late... I just want you to know that i love you. I love you more than anything, and i have loved you since i first met you. You could say that it was love at first sight." he said, he stood up from sitting on the bed and walked towards me.

A tear had already slid down my face and more threatened to spill. "And the best thing is, i know that you love me too, and that's all i could have ever wished for." he said as he captured my lips in another kiss. The tears fell as we kissed, but despite being only our second, it felt different. 

Different in a bad way.

He pulled back slowly and leaned his head on mine. "I can't believe that i have only just confessed now. I feel like such an idiot. We could have had an amazing life" he whispered and pecked my lips.

"Trust me, i really REALLY don't want to go" he whispered and tears started to fall from his eyes. Before i could ask any questions, he grabbed his jacket and left.


"Chanyeol, how could you!" i cried.  "You couldn't have told me?!" tears spilled. It was a cold windy day and a storm was brewing.

"I love you, i loved you, but you had to leave me?!" i shouted. I looked at Chanyeols grave and read the words:

Park Chan Yeol

27th Nov '92 - 28th Jan '10

Beloved boyfriend, son and happy virus.

"I can't believe that your last wish, was to kiss me. I can't believe that you had cancer and never told me. I'm your best friend, your girlfriend...I'm just glad that i could fulfil your wish" i whispered the last part as i wiped my eye with a tissue.


AN: Just a short something i came up with. Don't forget you can request a oneshot in the comment section!

5/07/16: Edited

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