ExoM - Kris

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"Oppa!!!" screamed a girl as she tugged on my clothing. Thousands of screaming girls, all pushing each other to get to one person, some even pulling at me.

*RUUUN!!* I screamed in my head as i started to run .


After hearing that noise, i knew i had to get out of here.

10 minutes earlier

"Why is it sooo hot?" Whined Luhan, fanning himself with his hand.

"Duuuh, it's because i'm here" trolled Chen.

"Kris Gege, can you go get us drinks,plllleeeeease??" asked Tao while fluttering his eyelashes.

I just stared at him, giving him a W-T-F expression.

"Please Kris, we're all dying of thirst here" Xiumin begged.

"What, why me?!" i asked. As a part of promotions Exo-M are in L.A, trying to open up to a bigger fan base, and right now we are in our van, baking.

"Because you're our leader" stated Tao, still fluttering his eye brows. *As if that's really going to make me do it*

"Why can't Lay go?" i asked the group. Lay looked up at me with a confused face.

"W-w-what about me?" he asked. I just face palmed and shook my head in disappointment.

"Kris, i'll come with you" said our manager, who was sat in the passenger seat. I wiped the sweat off of my brow before nodding my head in agreement. 

"Fine. Let's get go-"

"OMG IT'S EXOM!!" screamed a high pitch voice. All of a sudden, the van was being surrounded by crazy fans, some banging on the windows, others were trying to open the door.

"Well i can't go now" i huffed and slunk back into my chair, secretly enjoying it.

"But gegeeee~" whined Tao.


"Kris lets just go, he's not gonna quit complaining if he doesn't get his drink, i'll get rid of the girls first" said our manager, and then he got out of the van to clear away the girls.

"Thanks Kris" they all cheered.

"What's Kris doing?" asked Lay, looking at Luhan for an answer.

I put on my backpack, jacket and got ready to treck out into the world that's called 'Exotic'. "Good luck" wished Xiumin as he patted my back.

"Hyung, i still don't know why you can't go. You're older than me" i mumbled. He just chuckled in my ear and opened the door for me.

"Annyeonghaseyo!" he shouted as he pushed me out and then quickly shut the door.

"Oppa!!!" screamed a girl as she started to tug on my clothing.

Thousands of screaming girls, all pushing each other to get to one person, some even pulling at me.

*RUUUN!!* I mentally panicked. I started to run in a random direction, hoping to lose the mad girls screaming their lungs out as they chase me down the street.

"This is so not worth a drink...Tao you owe me!" i mumbled angrily under my breath.

I kept running until i came to a corner, i ran around the corner and instantly wished i hadn't. I had run straight into a dead end.

"Oh shit" i cursed. I turned away from the 8 foot wall to face an army of teenage girls. "Wait...pleas -no, stop!" i shouted as they all rampaged towards me at the same time. Girls grabbed at me, pulled my hair and some were trying to kiss me. I backed up to the wall and sunk as one girl grabbed my back pack and tried to pull it off me. I kept my grip on it for as long as i could, but i swear she competed for 'Worlds strongest woman' as with one mighty pull she had my backpack in her hand.

"STOP!" i shouted, but nobody did and the backpack stealing girl ran off with my bag and disappeared into the darkness. I stood up to run after her when i felt a tug at my jacket. *GOD ARE THEY GOING TO STRIP ME NAKED?!* I thought. She grabbed my jacket and yanked, again, only leaving after she had what she wanted.

"No stop, why are you doing this!?" i screamed to the girls who apparently only knew the words "Oppa, saranghae".

Obviously i got no response.


I kept spinning around and around as i was pulled at, screamed at and just plainly treated like a toy. "What the-!" i exclaimed as i looked down to see that one of the girls had attached themselves to my leg and had started to rip at my trousers.

"Oppa, saranghamnida, jincha saranghae!" she screamed and as i pulled my leg away, a sudden *RRIIIIIP* noise was heard.

I was really loosing my temper now and i opened my mouth to shout at the girl when a loud blow horn sounded. Every single girl stopped at the sudden noise and turned to see the owner of the horn. Standing up on top of the wall behind me, was a girl. "Oh great, another one" i mumbled.

"Girls, what do you think you're doing?!" she shouted. I gave her a quizzical look as she crouched down so she was still higher than me but was in reaching distance. "Sorry, i tried to get here as quick as i could" she whispered, and then stood back up.

"You only get one chance to see your idol, in your entire life, and this is how you want him to remember you? By mugging him?? Where as i will leave him with a very happy memory! 'What is that?' you ask? Well, by saving him of course" she smirked and quickly leaned down to grab my hand.

"Quick" she seethed. I quickly grabbed her hand and she pulled me up onto the wall and we quickly jumped down the other side. When we landed i quickly collapsed on the floor. "Are you ok?" she asked.

"Y-yeah...thank you, by the way" i thanked. She sat on the floor next me and passed me a bottle of water. "Thanks"

"You're welcome. I saw what happened when Minseok pushed you out of the van and i knew i had to do something." she giggled.

"The names Kris" i said, holding out my hand.

"Seohee" she replied, shaking my out-stretched hand.


AN: so this is another one shot that was requested on my AFF account. I know it's a bit too late to be posting kris ones but who cares ;D 😉. I hope you liked it.

6/07/16: Edited

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