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^^ Get it - aha ^_^

The amazing bubbleteamylife nominated me to do this! Read the rules and if you're nominated then you have to do exactly the same - the consequence may be......severe!


1) You have to post the rules

2) Tag 13 people

3) People tagged have to post 13 facts about themselves

4) You have to answer the questions that are posted at the bottom!

5) No refusing

6) It has to be done within a week, or else the tagger gets to choose a punishment (AN: Told you it could get severe ;D)

7) Create a unique title for your nomination

8) It has to be published at the end of one of your stories (Or as a new one if you don't have a story)

9) You can NOT comment your answers here

I nominate:

1) 60secondstopain

2) chunjin12

3) Nasuttaja98

4) AsianBabe

5) KimRaeYoo99

6) kpop_lover_for_life

7) yellowwilms26

8) 80Addison80

9) nambyunshreya101

10) OnlyForMyDo

11) Kpop_Is_For_Real423

12) Mell_KpopFan

13) ChanBaekSoo

My 13 facts:

1) My full name is Crystal Sky-Anne Crewe

2) The last book I read was 'Once in a house on fire' by Andrea Ashworth

3) I'm a BIG Kpop fan (which you probably already knew)

4) I have died my hair 6 different colours; orange, blonde, black, blue, red, and now I have blonde highlights

5) I have worn glasses all my life

6) I was born with diabetes (It's gone now though ^_^)

7) I live Great Britain

8) I can speak German, English, Welsh, Korean and Chinese (Although it may not all be fluent)

9) I played the Violin in my High School Orchestra

10) I am currently listen to 'Danger' by BTS as I write this!

11) I study Creative Writing, ICT and English Language and Literature in college

12) I had chips for tea today! (British chips, not crisps) 

13) I love Nutella!

bubbleteamylife didn't give me any questions so I will just answer the ones that they did! (Don't worry I have posted my own questions below!)

1) Ultimate Bias?

I would have to pick Yoseob from B2st as he was my first ever bias!

2) Who was your first Kpop group?


3) Do you listen to Korean solo artists? If yes, who?

I listen to Zion.T, K.Will,

K.Hunter(although I've only heard three songs and now he seems to have disappeared from the face of the earth lol).   

Jay Park (old stuff as well as new)

Ailee, Rain, Eric Nam, I listen to BigBangs solo career songs

4) If you could have any kpop idol as a sibling, who would you choose?

I would choose Jhope, only for the fact that I did a face swap with him the other day, and the like-ness is uncanny!

5) Have you ever met any of your internet friends?

Well @60secondstopain is my friend from college, so yes. Yes I have.

6) What are your hobbies?

Well I go to college 5 days out of 7, and for the other two days i'm at work. I guess you could say that I don't really have any, since I have no time for them. I do, however, like to read on wattpad and AFF at night before I go to sleep! That's when i'm most likely to update.

7) Any Siblings?

I live with my two brothers. One older and one younger. I do have other siblings I have a step sister and step brother - but I haven't seen them since I was about 7 (almost 11 years ago)

8) Favourite Colour?

I would say that my favourite colour is Red!

9) Favourite Drink?

I love a good cup of coffee. The starbucks on my college campus do amazing coffees!

10) Do you watch anime, if yes, which anime?

I've watched a few episodes of Death note, Bleach and I guess you can call Yu-Gi-Oh anime. Oh, I use to love watching the 'Jackie Chan adventures' as a kid! 

My questions for the nominated!

1) Favourite colour?

2) First Kpop song you listen to?

3) Who is your bias WRECKER?

4) Do you use Wattpad mostly on your phone/laptop/computer?

5) Do you speak more than one language? If so, which?

6) How many Kpop/drama story lines have you thought of?

7) Rate Bigbang from hot to not. 1 - hot 5-not so hot?

8) What is your favourite Kdrama?

9) How would you react if your met your ultimate bias?

10) Do you prefer iKon or Winner? (I had to - Sorry XD)

11) Who is your ultimate bias?

12) If you could marry anybody in the world, who would it be?

13) How many kpop songs do you have on your phone?

^^ Don't forget to mention me in yours so I know you've done it!!

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