BlockB - Park Kyung

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*Woo Seul Gi POV*

"Yah Oppa?!" you screamed at the sleeping boy that is your brother. "What do you think you're doing?!" you screamed, yet again.

"Huh? Huh?!" he looked confused as he opened his eyes, trying to see where he was.

"The boys will be here in a minute for the match. Get ready" you kick his butt and walk out of his room. 

You couldn't believe your eyes when you saw that Zico was still asleep, at 3PM(!!) 

You went back to your room and got ready. The blockb boys are coming over to watch the football (soccer) match. You had arranged it last week as it's the world cup, but your oaf of a brother has completely forgotten and was going to spend all day in bed. 


"Annyeong Oppa's" you greeted your brothers friends when they arrived at your's and Zico's house.

"Oh, annyeong Dongsaeng" spoke Taeil as he gave you a hug before entering.

"Noona" greeted P.O

"Yah, call me dongsaeng,even though i'm a few days older than you, i don't want to be called noona~!" you whined to P.O as he just chuckled before entering the house.

Lastly Kyung entered. Your cheeks suddenly got hot as he wrapped his left arm around my neck. "Hey baby" he smirked. You hesitantly nodded your head as a reply.

Zico decided he was going to be doing his grand entrance now and walked right inbetween the two of you, pulling you apart.

"Yah. You two aren't even dating!" he exclaimed.

"Forget about him" you told Kyung before proceeding to the livingroom where everyone had decided to rendezvous(place of meeting).

Kyung caught up to you and placed his arm around your waist, causing our heart to skip a million beats and your head to go dizzy. You didn't mind much. 


It was half time of the match England ¦2-2¦ S.Korea and everybody got up to strech their legs.

It wasn't until you suddenly felt cold that you had realised that you and Kyung had been snuggled together of the sofa for the past 45 minutes. *Oh my god* your thoughts screamed as Jaehyo turned to you. "Dongsaeng-ah, gwaenchana? You don't look very well" he asked, reaching out his hand to feel your forehead. "D-deh, i'm fine" you stuttered, making yourself sound foolish. 

"YAAAAHHH!" Screamed a voice.

"oppa/hyung" you all ran to the kitchen to see Taeil oppa sitting on the floor infront of the fridge, staring inside.

"Oppa/hyung wae guerae(what's wrong)?" you all asked.

"Theres no more. No more" he whined. "" he whispered the word 'beer' as if it was the last sentance of a horror story. "Oh the horror" he whaled.

"Hyung, we'll just go and get some more. Come on before the other half of the game starts" Ukwon pulled Taeil up from the floor and started to walk out of the house, the rest of the boys trailing behind.

The boys had all gone to get more beer so you sat down on the sofa just watched the adverts. It was deadly silent, you would be able to hear a pin if it was dropped.

You continued to watch the T.V until you could feel someones eyes starring at you. You turned your head but saw nothing. Shaking your head in denile you faced towards the television "All the boys have gone" you mummbled, reminding yourself that it wasn't someone playing a trick on you.

You heard the floor creek and you jumped. You stood up from the sofa. "Hello!" you called. No responce. You walked towards the table and picked up your phone to call Zico. As soon as you hand touched the table, a pair of arms wrapped themselves around your waist and pulled you back to the sofa, where you both fell down.

You let out an almighty scream. "AAAAAAHHHHHHH!" you started to shake as the voice behind you started to laugh.....a very familiar laugh. You turned your head slightly to see the big nosed idiot that scared you half to death.

"YAHH!" you screamed in his face and got up.

"Mianhe Seul gi" apologised Kyung whilst still laughing.

"What do you think you're playing at?" you asked him.

"Well, i went to the bathroom but all the guys seemed to have gone. I saw you alone, and couldn't resist" he explained....still laughing.

You weren't impressed with his apology and started to pout. "Aww baby, let oppa give you a hug" he pouted aswell while walking towards you with his arms spread out wide. 

He enveloped you in his arms and you wrapped your hands around his body. 

Letting the hug go on for longer than it should have, Kyung pulled back first. "I have a present for you". He went to his bag and brough out a packet of Cheesy Puffs. 

"Yum, i was just craving cheese" you joked.

"Ahh, funny" he said while giving them to you. 

You opened it up to see a piece of folded up paper in the bottom of the packet.

"Whats this?" you asked him intrigued. Kyung just smiled and nodded his head as if telling you to 'go on'.

You took out the paper and unfolded it to reveal a letter. A very short letter.

I hope this isn't cheesy, but will you go out with me?

You looked up with a smug smile. " 'I hope this isn't Cheesy?' Are you ten?" you giggled at him, chucked the packet and paper out of your hands and wrapped your arms around Kyung's neck.

"Yah, i'm not ten?" he pouted whilst wrapping his arms around your waist (again). 

"Prove it" you provoked him.

"Woul a ten year old be able to do this?" he asked before leaning in and pressing his soft lips against yours.

The two of you cancelled out everything but each other, meaning you didn't hear the door open or see the members of blockb help up a fainted Zico from the floor.

AN: This one shot was requested by CamelliaRose on aff I hope you liked it. 

Sorry for any mistakes!!

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