iKon - Donghyuk

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"Hey Eunhye, you're still coming tonight right?" B.I asked, falling onto the sofa next to me.

"Can i?" i turned to face him, "I didn't think i would be invited to such an event"

"You're my little sister" he whined emphasising the 'little', "Of course you're going to be invited to the after party!" he lifted his feet and plonked them on the table infront of him. Rolling my eyes i stood up and walked towards the kitchen to put my empty glass away.

"I'm only three years younger than you" i muttered. "I don't know" i shouted, unsure, "I think i'm just going to stay here. Have a quiet night, y'know" i told him, walking back into the livingroom.

"Oh c'mon Eunhye, don't go for me then, go for Donghyuk"

"Don't speak that name in this house" Pointing an accusing finger at him, he stood up and walked towards me, wrapping an arm around my shoulder.

"Listen Sis', we all know that there's something going on between you two, you don't need to hide it anymore" if i could wipe that sarcastic smug smile off his face then i would - unfortunately he has a concert tonight, and i don't think his manager would like me very much if i hurt one of his money makers.

"How many times do i have to tell you....and Junheo.....and Bobby, that nothing is going on between Donghyuk and I." I shrugged his arm off my shoulder, "We're just friends!" I shouted at his retreating back.

"You keep telling yourself that!" he yelled, leaving the room in what-he-calls 'Swag'. Yes, i will keep telling myself that. We've been bestfriends for years now, and i still can't bring up the courage to ask him out. I was going to, but then he debuted and had a lot going on in his life - i didn't want to mess up his career, but the longer i keep my feelings bottled up, the more it's going to hurt when i see him with some other girl.

Sitting back down on the sofa, i pulled out my phone to see that i had a few missed messages.

Junheo: Make sure you come tonight, Donghyuk will be sad if you don't :'(

Bobby: B.I says you're not coming. You will come tonight, even if i have to drag you out of bed!

Donghyuk: Hey Eunhye, just wondering if you can make it to the after party tonight?

A subconscious smile played on my lips as i ignored the first two messages and sent a reply to the third;

It's iKon's first YG concert, of course i'll be there!

"Eunhye i gotta leave for rehearsals. I'll see you later" B.I said as he put on his shoes.

"What's with the backpack?" I asked, eyeing the small black bag that hung from his right shoulder.

"huh, this? Oh it's for tonight" his ever so annoying smirk decided to make an appearance, and with that he left the apartment, not forgetting to shout "It starts at 7!" behind him.

"God knows what he's up to" i decided to just forget about it and more importantly think about what i'm going to wear for the concert.

Looking through my wardrobe I finally picked a decent outfit to wear.

Looking through my wardrobe I finally picked a decent outfit to wear

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