Superjunior - kyuhyun

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(AN: I have no idea how to play starcraft, so please bare with my lame idea of what it is)

*Lee Eun Hee POV*

"But why do i have to stay with Donghae?" i asked my mom, "You know he hates me!" i exclaimed.

"Eun Hee, my son does not hate you." replied Donghaes dad - my moms fiance. "It's just going to take some time for you two to get to know each other." he said.

"Please Eun hee, it's only going to be for a week. We just want to go on our honeymoom without any worries or troubles" begged my mother as Donghaes dad leaves the room.
"Besides" whispered my mom, "Don't forget Donghae is a member of SuperJunior". My eyes suddenly lit up when i thought of Kyuhyun -my crush.

I have been to his dorm before and me and Kyuhyun have hung out a few times. The boys know of mine and Donghaes situation and they have tried to make us friends, but it always ends up with an argument.

"... and Donghae will most likely be on schedule half of the time anyway. We are only sending you for safety reasons" she said.

I gave it a few minutes thought before nodding my head and finally giving in, "ok, i'll go".


"Oh...It's you" was the greeting i was given when i arrived at SuperJuniors dorm with a my suitcase.

"Yah, Hae, who is it?" called a voice.

Looking behind him i saw Leeteuk making his way towards us. "Oppa!" i called before walking in to give him a hug.

"Eun hee, how have you been?" he asked me as he wrapped his arms around me, responding to my friendly hello hug.

"I've been ok." i answered "Where are the others, it's quiet today" i giggled, making Donghae scoff before walking into the kitchen.

"They're all out on schedule" he replied, letting me go before we both made our way towards the sofa. We started a conversation, and all the while, Donghae was still in the kitchen. Leeteuk told me that because me and Kyuhyun are the closest, i'm going to share his room (Which made me blush like theres no tomorrow)

"Hyung, we have to go" called Donghaes voice.
"Oh, Eun hee, me and Donghae have to go, we have a radio interview. We'll be back in a few hours though, don't worry" reasured Leeteuk as he got up to get his shoes and coat on.

"Ani, that's ok oppa" i smiled before bidding them both goodbye (even if he is a lousy brother).

"Yah Donghae, you should really be nice to your sis-"

"step sister" cut off Donghae as they both left the dorm.

*Sigh, what to do? What to do?* i thought as i picked up the t.v remote.

"Cool, they installed Youtube" i smiled. I clicked the youtube icon and typed in a song that i hadn't listened to in ages; Swing by SujuM (Korean vers.)

"Urin i eumage matchwo modu da itgo ja, swing never never give up! Swing" i sang along as i copied the dance moves (ㅋㅋ)

"Hyungs, no matter how long you listen to that song, i'm still better at singing than you" came a sleepy voice as he entered the room.

"B-bwo" he exclaimed when he looked around, not seeing his hyungs, but me.

"Eun hee" he smiled before sleepily walking over to me and hugged me, resting his head on my shoulder.

"Y-yah, oppa, gwaenchana?" i asked him. The blush on my cheeks are never going to disappear now.

"Deh" he yawned. "I was up all night versing this kid on starcraft. He was *yawn* really good. But oppa beat him, don't worry" he smiled as he nuzzled his head into my neck as if it were a pillow.

"Oppa, you should go sleep. Don't you have a schedule soon?" i asked him, finally getting comortable with the skinship.

"Come with me" he mumbled.

"B-b-b-b-wo?!" i exclaimed.
Hearing a faint chuckle from Kyuhyun, i took it as he was joking.

"I heard you are staying with us for the week" he said, "and that you're sleeping in my room" his embrace around me tightened a little bit before loosening again.

"D-deh" i stuttered.

Kyuhyun lifted his head from my shoulder. He picked up the remote and turned off the television as he grabbed my hand and dragged me to his bedroom.

Kyu flopped onto his bed and coincidentally dragged me down with him.

"Yah Oppa~" i whined, trying to stand up, which i eventually did. "Just sleep" i told him before he nodded his head and went to sleep, snoring lightly.

Before, when my heart would go *Thump.....Thump.....Thump* it's now going *ThumpThumpThump* and my face wouldn't stop smiling.

I looked towards his desk and saw that he was still logged in on 'Starcraft'.
I sat down on one of the chairs and looked at his high score. "20,000. Even i could beat that" i mumbled before starting a new game.
Me and Kyu play starcraft whenever i'm here and (although i hate to admit it) he always beats me. While he's asleep, i might aswell get some practise in.


"How long have i been asleep?" Yawned Kyuhyung as he sat up on his bed and streched. I paused my game and looked at the computers clock.

"Almost an hour" i replied before going back to the game. "Take that!" i exclaimed as i won another game.

"Yah, who said you could do that?" asked Kyu as he sat on the chair next to me.

"But i just got a new high score" i whined as the screen with the score poped up.

"Waaaaah, 60,000. Yah, pass it here, i can deffinitely beat that" he scoffed as i passed the keyboard over to him.


"Andwae~!" Kyuhyun fake cried as his score was just short of 60,000.

"hahaha" i laughed as he sat on his chair, frustration building up within him. I continued to laugh, which i'm starting to realise, was making him more frustrated.

"Laugh one more time" he warned me, and i couldn't help it as i let out a small chuckle. "That's it!" he exclaimed as he picked me up from the chair and slung meoverhis shoulder.

"Yah!" i managed to shout between my laughter.
I was thrown onto the bed, still laughing,"You wanna laugh huh?" kyuhyun smirked "I'll give you something to laugh about" and with that he pinned my arms above my head with one hand and started to tickle my sides with the other.

"I can see why your fans call you evil Kyu, oppa!" i giggled as he tickled me again.

"I'll stop" he said, "On one condition!" his smirk grew wider.

"Anything...." i laughed.

"Say i'm better than you at Starcraft" he whispered near my ear.

"...but that" i wriggled about, trying to free myself from his grasp. Apparently i wriggled too much as kyu slipped and fell ontop of me.

When i opened my eyes, i realised that our contact couldn't have been any closer when i saw our lips touching. My eyes widened at the sudden kiss, and so did Kyu's, but when i noticed that neither of us were backing out, i closed my eyes, just the same as Kyu and we both savoured the moment as he deppened the kiss.

*Oh god. How am i going to stay alive this week*


AN: This oneshot was requested by Iamdreamcatcher on AFF,
i hope you liked it.
Sorry for any spelling or grammar mistakes!!

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