B1A4 - Baro

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"Baro, get off~" I whined. 

"No" he replied, simply.

I had invited my best friend Baro over for movie night - something we do every Saturday. He had made himself comfy on the sofa as the opening credits started to roll.

We were half way through the movie, when the male lead pins the woman lead to the sofa by holding her arms above her head and keeping her there, until she did what he says.

And guess what Baro did?

He jumped on me!

It wasn't graceful, or sexy like the movie, but it was a full on belly flop! So now i was face down on the sofa with a belly-flopped Baro lying on top of me. 

"Why not?" i groaned. We have been like this for five minutes already. 

"Because" he sounded happy with his answer. 

"I swear to god, when i get out from under here, i will kick your ass Cha Sun Woo!" i screamed, using his real name. I wriggled some more until i could feel him getting up. When i was about to get up, he belly flopped again, this time i was on my back. "URGH!" was the un-lady like noise that flew out of my mouth. 

"Now listen to me, Park Hye Mi. You will NOT kick my butt, because the next time i let you go, you won't want to" Baro suddenly whispered in my ear.

*WTF* "Care to elaborate?" i asked. He pinned my arms above my head and looked me in the eye. Baro and I have been best friends for years, and i can guarantee that he has NEVER looked at me like this before.

"I will only let you go on one condition" he said softly. We have both stopped shouting at each other.

 "What's the condition?" i asked, my voice barely audible.

It felt like years before he answered my question. And when he did "Be my girlfriend" my heart stopped.


AN: So this is just an example of the one shots that i have done. The other are a lot longer than this one but i think you get the idea. Just request your idols name, your/oc name, and the scenario you want and it will be uploaded as soon as possible!

5/07/16: Edited

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