Jungkook Suddenly....

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.......leaned his head on your shoulder!


"Madison come on!" Yejin called for me to hurry up, but I didn't feel like going.

"No, it's alright. I'm going to the library, I'll see you guys later" I told her. She looked at me confused and ran back to me.

Putting a hand to my head to check my temperature she said "But you hate the library. Are you feeling okay?"

"Yeah. Yeah I'm fine. I just need to finish my Calc homework."

"Since when did you do homework?"

"Yejin please! I just want to be alone. Have fun at the game. I know they'll smash it" I told her.

"Maddie, you're not coming to watch your own boyfriend - THE STAR PLAYER - win at his baseball match?" A deep voice came from behind me. 

"Kyuhyun," swivelling on my heels I saw my boyfriend sauntering over to me, his varsity jacket looking good on him, but not as good as-  I stopped my thoughts when I saw Kyuhyun just staring at me as If I had gone mental "I just need to leave okay. I promise I'll be back later" I told him, wrapping my arm around him loosely. I didn't feel bad about leaving because I knew my heart lay with someone else. Kyuhyun leaned down to kiss me, but I move my head so his lips meet my cheek.

"We're talking later!" He growled in my ear, and slung his arms around Yejin - the girl who was supposed to be my best friend but would rather sleep with my boyfriend behind my back instead - and the rest of the group laughed and cheered as they made their way to the baseball pitch.

I didn't even check to see if they had disappeared before running back into the empty school building and into the library on the third floor. The class rooms were empty, the hallways were empty, and if it wasn't for the fact that it was daylight outside, You would have thought that I was in a horror movie. The whole school was empty as they had all gone down to the baseball pitch to watch the last game of the season.

It was that quiet that I thought he had forgotten about me, and went down with his friends to watch the game.

"Jungkook?" I called. No answer. "He didn't show" my voice was low as I sunk low onto a chair behind a book case.

I can't believe he didn't show. After everything we've been through. After meeting him in the library when he helped me find a book for 'History', after making up excuses to Kyuhyun and about why I couldn't meet him and faking that I was ill just be with Jungkook, after falling in love with the most sweet, innocent, nerdiest boy in school. After-

My thoughts were interrupted when I felt a weight on my shoulder. I could just about make out the brown hair from the corner of my eye, and the head that was currently leaning on me, and I immediately pounced on him, sitting sideways on his lap, and wrapping my arms around his neck.

"Of course I'd turn up" he whispered, lowering his forehead onto mine. "I thought you weren't going to show. Not after what I just saw"

"You saw that" my smile faltered, but was easy to regain when I felt Jungkook rest one hand on the small of my back, and the other on my thigh.

"Since when did you get so confident?" I giggled. He had always been shy, and quiet and that was one of the reasons as to why I fell in love with him. Kyuhyun was just with me to show me off, and to say that he has a girlfriend. But Jungkook loves me. He's told me countless of times, but he's never been too confident with skin ship.

"I'd do anything for you" he whispered back, leaning in ever so slightly, yet still not enough to kiss me. I could practically feel his kiss, but I knew he wanted to savour the moment.

Rising one hand to gently caress my hair he whispered, "You're so beautiful". It made me blush, like it always did, but it was something that I hadn't heard until I met Jungkook, and it made me feel special. My nose rubbed gently against his in our secret, sensual moment and I closed my eyes to prepare for the words that I have wished to say for the past few months.

"I love you" it was chased, but I said it. It had taken me a while to say it, but finally telling him how I feel about him lifted such a great weight off of my chest. Seeing him smile in reply was something I never wanted to miss and with that I closed the gap between us and ran my lips against his.

He kissed me back, and subtly pulled me towards him. My hands cupped the sides of his face and guided it to stay still. I loved this feeling of a slow, love-filled kiss, not like the ones that Kyuhyun used to give me. He was always sloppy, like he was in a constant rush to finish and get out, but since my first kiss with Jungkook I wanted to taste only his lips against mine, no one else's. This is what led me to start to ignore Kyuhyun, and let him go off with Yejin, even though I acted like I knew nothing.

"Hey, hey, what's wrong?" Jungkook cooed. He stopped kissing me to pull back slightly. Trailing kisses along my jaw and behind my ear, he asked again, "What's wrong Madison?"

"Nothing" I smiled in content at his touch. "I just wish we were in a different situation" I told him.

He faced me again, raising his eyebrow, "oh yeah, like how?" The suggestion in his tone of voice made me laugh and I hid myself in the crook of his neck in embarrassment.

"You know what I mean" I mumbled into his school shirt. Lifting my head up to see him, he was smiling that perfectly imperfect smile, and I suddenly became shy as I quickly lent in and pecked his lips.

"Stand up". Jungkook whispered. I refused to do so, giggling as I tightened my arms around his neck. "Okay then" and with a quick peck on my lips Jungkook stood up, and grabbed my legs to wrap them around his waist.

"Looks like the tables have turned" he smiled smugly as I had turned into a beetroot with the feel of his hands on my bare legs. My school skirt only comes down so far, but he was kind enough to respect that and kept his hands by the crook of my knee.

"I wanted to show you something, but I'd prefer to watch you like this" he smiled. He walked foreword until my back softly hit the bookcase.

"You're so beautiful" he whispered once again. My hands caressed his arms, but I was stopped from going any further with my actions when a familiar voice was heard.



AN: DOUBLE UPDATE. You guys are lucky today. I really like the idea of having a "popular" girl falling In love with the nerdy boy of the school, and I hope that I portrayed Jungkook to be as such in this one shot.

Again, just like the last one, I may make this a two parter. It all depends on the ARMY_Selca_Days 's tweets.

This one shot is not edited so please excuse any grammar/spelling mistakes.

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