SuperJunior - Leeteuk

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*Sohee POV*

"Come here you little slut!" he shouted. *Oh no, not again. Please not again* i begged in my head. If ever i actually spoke my thoughts, his actions would be a lot harsher.

I quickly ran into my boyfriends room scared to death, but i couldn't let him know that. "Oi,slut, go get my package." he shoved a wad of cash into my hand and i turned around, leaving the house as fast as i could.

My name is Sohee and i live with my abusive boyfriend, Samson. I'm not with him by choice; when we first started going out he was sweet, kind, loving and both me and my parents loved him. It was only after we had moved in together that he became abusive. It's my fault really, ever since i got him to quit smoking, he took to drinking, and that's what started the drugs, which then led him to send me off to his dealer to collect his "package". Samson always sends me to collect his drugs so if i ever get caught, i will be arrested and he won't. He always says 'if you love me then you would take the blame for me'. And i do love him, or i think i do anyway.

After half an hour, i finally arrive at the the dealers, who's name i am not aloud to know, and i knock on his door. " 'Ello love" he smiled at me with a toothless mouth, which creeps me out every time. "Ere ta collect Samson's package eh?" he asked as he led me into his living room. I kept my hand tightly in my pocket, clasping the money with fear. "Ere you go luv, i guess i'll be seein ya tomorrow?" he asked as we swapped the money for the package. I simply nodded and went to the front door as quickly as i could. "Now where do ya think ya goin?" he whispered in my ear as his hands trailed down my body.

"Get off me!" i shrieked. I managed to shrug him off and ran for my life. I ran out of the building complex as i hear his foot-steps slowly getting quieter and quieter. I look behind me to see he stopped running when i collide into a wall. Well, i say wall. As i fell onto the ground, i quickly panicked as i couldn't find Samsons package.

"Excuse me, miss. I am so sorry, i didn't realise you were there. Are you ok?" i slowly looked up to see a tall man with light brown hair, looking at me worried. *He's holding the package!* i quickly stood up and grabbed the package out of his hand.

"Miss, are you ok?" he repeated. I hesitantly nodded my head before seeing the time on his watch, which was on the hand he still had out, as if to help me up from the floor. 

"Oh no, i'm late. I can't be late. H-he'll..." i stopped when i realised what i was about to a complete stranger as well!

"Here, let me walk you home, it's the least i could do since i knocked you over" he said. The tears started to fall down my cheeks as the realisation of what Samson would do to me when i'm late finally kicked in.

"L-l-look, i'm sorry about knocking you down, please don't cry" the man tried to calm me down.

"N-n-no, i'm sorry, it's not your fault" i finally managed to speak to the kind man.

"Please let me walk you home, the fall seems to have shaken you up a little bit" he said. 

"No, t-that's ok" i replied.

"I'm not taking 'no' for an answer miss -" he stopped waiting for my name.

"Oh, my n-name is S-Sohee" i stuttered, confused about this whole situation.

"My nam's Leeteuk. Which way is your home?" he asked and started to follow me home.


"H-here is my house. Thank you, but i think you should leave before he -" i was cut off by Samson opening the door.

*Leeteuk POV*

"H-here is my house. Thank you, but i think you should leave before he-" Sohee was cut off by the front door opening. 

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