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*Laura POV*

"Babe, i'm not sure whether that's a good idea"

"Yeah, hyung, think about Laura's safety" Jungkook pitched in.

"I know, I know, but it's been three years already. It's not like this is a fling!" Taehyung exclaimed. BTS, and I were all sat in their dorm living room, looking over at photographs that were taken of us at the beach yesterday. There were pictures of me and Tae oppa kissing as well as pictures of us hanging out with the rest of the boys.

Everyone was sat with a concerned face, except for Tae oppa - who had his arm around my waist as we both occupied one of the sofa's - who looks like someone just stole his favourite chocolate bar."Listen V, we know that, it's just that Laura could get serious backlash from this" Hoseok spoke. I didn't fail to catch him watching me out of the corner of his eye. Well, that's only natural, considering
he's the only one who knows. 

"How about we watch a movie, y'know to collect our thoughts and relax, and then we can think it through once more" I suggested, smiling. Maybe a day of relaxing could benefit everyone. Sure enough, the boys nodded their head in agreement, and all ran off to pick their favourite movie. Hoseok and Taehyung ran hand in hand as Namjoon shook his head in embarrassment.

I smiled sadly to myself as i was left alone. My thoughts went straight to the text messages that i had been receiving lately. It started last Tuesday when Hoseok, and I were shopping for Tae's birthday present. I'd just purchased his gold-plated bracelet when my phone beeped. Hoseok grabbed it out of my bag for me since my hands were full of shopping bags, and that's when I was immediately dragged home.

Looking down at my phone i re-read the first message that i had received;

From: Unknown

I know who you are Laura, and I know where your family are. If i ever see you with any of my oppa's again, then I can't promise that you won't be hurting. XD Have a nice day!

Hoseok oppa was scared for me, and he told me that if it ever happened again, then i must tell him - but not Taehyung. I scrolled further down the conversation - past the messages that threatened not only me, but my younger brother, Taehyung, and even the boys. I wasn't frightened of them at first, but the messages soon spiralled out of control.

From: Unknown.

I can see you, you know - standing there with Jungkook Oppa. Do you know that within a second, i can have you killed....? The next time i see you with one of my oppa's i'm going to set you on fire!!! ;D Stay healthy!

A tear trickled down my cheek. They can threaten me all they like, but to threaten the boys aswell is too much. I never showed these to Jhope - i'd be ausing too much trouble to get more involved than he already was. 

"Laura baby, what's wrong?" I wiped my tear away, and looked up to see Taehyung Oppa, with Jin and Hoseok. 

"I-er, it's just that-"

"It's just that she realised she doesn't have anything to wear for tomorrow. Hey, Laura how about we go shopping for some snacks to eat whilst we watch the movie?" Hoseok oppa suggested, dragging me up from the sofa and out of the dorm with a drop of a hat. 

"Gomawo" I thanked him as we walked towards the elevator of their complex. 

"Is it her again?" He asked, pressing the first floor button.

"Her? How would do you know it's a she?" The doors closed, and the familiar jolt started the lift.

"Isn't it obvious?" He looked at me with a 'duh' expression. He leant in towards me and read the text message that i still had opened, "Look, they even say 'Oppa' - it has to be a girl!" He exclaimed.

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