Kim Woo Bin

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*Knock Knock*

I ran to the door as soon as I heard the knock. I knew exactly who it was. I was instantly greeted by a bouquet of golden yellow, and lucious red flowers.

"For my one and only" The handsome grin from behind the flowers handed them over to me.

"Woo Bin" I whispered, admiring my gift. He really is the perfect man.

I blushed a deep red when he bent his head and slowly kissed me, being as careful as he always was. We stood for a few seconds on my door step kissing, and it wasn't until a kid roade past on his bike and shouted 'Get a room' that we both pulled away.

"Come on, lets go" Woo Bin oppa whispered, smiling as he grabbed my hand and walked me over to the car. He always makes me feel like a princess when i'm with him, and he treets me far better than i believe i deserve.

"Where are we going today oppa?" I asked him as he started to drive. He had his left arm on the arm rest in between us, holding my right hand as his right hand was on the steering wheel.

"The cinema. It's been a long time since we've been there" he smiled.

"The cinema? What if you're seen? I don't want to cause a scandal for you" I worry about him too much. He's just started his acting career, and a scandal is the last thing that I wanted for him. It could tarnish his reputation forever.

"Don't worry baby, it'll be dark in the theatre. Nobody will recognise me" he squeezed my hand in reasurance and i just smiled lovingly at him.


After paying for the tickets, Woo Bin oppa said he needed the toilet. "I'll just be a second" he told me before disappearing into the mens bathroom.

It had only been a few seconds when a group of boys exited the bathroom. The tall boy with the big ears smiled at me, so in return I smiled back to be polite. The ominious mans' smile soon turned to an expression of....recognition? Or was it curiousity? It was difficult to explain.

I took my gaze away from him when i realised he started to walk towards me. Please don't be coming this way, I thought. I internally begged for Woo Bin to come back.

"Did you miss me?" i jumped at his familiar voice. I turned to see Woo Bin oppa wrapping his arms around my waist before pecking my cheek. The tall boy stopped in his tracks and went to the popcorn counter with his friends. "I was only gone for a few seconds, and the boys had already started their advancement!" Woo Bin exclaimed in shock. I giggled at his reaction and just watched him have a mini argument to himself about boys 'advancing' on me. He's so cute!

"You must be glad that i chose you out of all the men in the world" I spoke, turning his attention towards me. "Of course i am Heeyeon. MY Heeyeon" he smirked as he led us into 'Screen 2' for the movie.


"Heeyeon, do you want to swap places?" Woo Bin oppa suddenly asked. I turned my attention from the movie screen, to my own movie stars face. "Wae, is something wrong?" i asked him. Has someone seen us?

"No reason" he answered simply, before glaring at me.

"Why- Are you- " I tried to speak but his burning eyes were staring in my direction. I look on the other side of me and i saw the reason for Woo Bins strange behaviour. The same tall boy with big ears was sat right next to me. He had his arm on the arm rest, with his hand open, as if he was expecting some one to hold it.

"I'll swap" i whispered. I might as well, it's going to bug him all throughout the movie if i'm sat next to someone other than him. He may be over protective, but he's adorable when he gets jealous.

We swapped seats and from the corner of my eye I could see the boy smirking. He looked as if his favourite person in the world just sat down next to him. Is he....? I think he is!

I let out a soft giggle and continued to watch the movie.


"Oppa, how about we go to dinner before i have to go home?" I suggested. I've had so much fun today, and it's not very often that i get to see my boyfriend because of his nusy life style. He's always shooting for his new drama during the week, and i only get to see him on a Sunday, and that's only if he doesn't have a CF to film.

"Araseo" he smiled, driving towards the closest restaurant.


"Oppa, are you sure nobody is going to notice you here? How about we go back to mine and order take out?" i suggested. Woo Bin oppa wrapped his arm around my waist.

"But i want to show you off" he pouted.

I couldn't resist. I had to. I just had to reach up and kiss his pouting lips. "I love you so much" I told him - not for the first time, but it certainly wouldn't be the last.

"I love you too. More than you can imagine my baby girl" Woo Bin kissed me once again before walking us into the restaurant.


"Oppa that was delicious" I grinned, feeling full. Woo Bin took a sip of his drink as he agreed with me.

"Let's do this again next week" he stated. My heart filled up as I heard his words.

We paid the bill and I excused myself to go to the bathroom before leaving. As i dried my hands I thought back to the boy from the cinema. Was he really following us? Did he know Oppa?

I left the bathroom and i bumped into someone. "Oh, i'm so sorry" i bowed as i apologised. I looked up into the eyes of the same boy from earlier.

"You!" he exclaimed. Me? What about me?

"I'm so happy that i found you" he said, leaning down to be eye level with me.

"Wae?" I hesitantly asked.

"I want to ask Woo Bin hyung for his auto-"

The boy was suddenly pulled back and he came face to face with my misunderstanding boyfriend. "Oppa!" i exclaimed as he held the poor boy back.

"Wae!" he shouted, "You've been following us all day"

"He wants your autograph" I laughed at Woo Bin oppa. He immediately let go of him.

"E-Eo" he boy stuttered, "My name is Park Chanyeol. I'm a big fan" he sheepishly grinned.

AN: This one shot was requested by Hirin12 on AFF. I'm sorry if the ending seems a bit 'cutt-off' but that's just how things have seemed to happen. I'm sorry for any grammar/spelling mistakes as this chapter has not yet been edited. 

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