Romeo and Juliet (Part 1)

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Romeo and Juliet (a yoseob one shot) (ps, I don't know the BTOB members very well so please assume that they are all older than mimi- thanks)

*mimi POV*

"What if they find you here, it'll be off with your head before they know it" I warned him, hoping he'll leave.

"Why doth thou leave me so unsatisfied?" He whispered, leaning in forward so our foreheads touched.

"What left does thou need satisfying?" I asked shocked as I turned around ready to leave.

Yoseob softly held onto my hand and walked around me until we became face to face again.

"Please, I don't know what they'll do to thee if thee were to be captured" his brows furrowed before softening out again.

"I love thee, I would do anything for thee, even if my life depended on it" he solemnly spoke.

His words touched me so sincerely that I leaned in to give him a kiss on the lips...

"CUT!" Someone yelled. Instantly me and Yoseob pulled away from each other.

"Good job everyone, that's a wrap for today and we'll pick it back up from here on Monday!" The director called.

"You guys all did a good job today, keep up the good work!" Called Yoseob as he bowed to everyone.

"Gomawoyo!" I bowed with him, also thanking everyone.

"You-um, did well today" I praised Yoseob before spinning on my heels and rushing towards the changing rooms, my cheeks heating up in an instant.

*i nearly kissed him!* my inner self squealed.

Ever since I found out that Yang Yoseob of 비스트 was going to be playing the name role of 'Romeo' in our new production 'Romeo and Juliet', my mind has been going crazy. He has been my crush since he debuted.

I'm a trainee at cube entertainment myself but I don't think sunbae has ever noticed me since I'm in the acting department.


"Oh mimi, there you are. There's a gathering on the main stage" my make up artist called when she saw come out of the changing unit.

"Oh, thank you unnie, I'll be right there" I told her as I grabbed my bag. I made sure my rosy cheeks had gone down before leaving the room and making my way back to the stage.

"Ok guys, I've gathered you here because opening night is in one week!" Called the director.

"Yay!" Everyone cheered, even me. It wasn't until I heard Yoseobs voice that I realised I had stood next to him. He turned to face me, and smiled that cheeky smile of his before turning back to the director.

"I would like to invite everybody out to a company dinner tonight. My treat!" the director yelled, again the theatre went up in a roar.

"So be ready and meet me here by 8pm and we'll set off. I hope to see you all there" and with that he was off.

Everyone started to gossip about what they were going to wear this evening whilst I quickly and quietly made me way towards the exit.

"Hey mimi, wait up!" Called a voice. I turned to see Yoseob making his way towards me.

"Hi" I smiled sheepishly.

"D-do you need a lift to anywhere?" He asked.


*heart....stop freaking out. I'm sure we can have one conversation without you stopping on us!*

I checked my watch, 5:50pm.

"Y-yes. If you don't mind. I need to go to my company to fill in my time sheet" I stuttered.

"Oh, jincha" he smiled before opening the door. "Kaja"


"So where is your company?" Asked Yoseob as he started the car.

"Oh, it's on XXX XXX street" I told him, waiting for realisation to come across his face.

Wait for it...

Wait for it...

.....there you go!

"Ah, you work at CUBE ENT. How come I've never seen you before?" He asked quickly turning to me before looking back out onto the road.

"I'm a trainee. I've been there for a few months now, but I have dinner with BTOB sunbaes in their dance studio since Hyunsik is my oppa" I told him.

*Yoseob POV*

"...since Hyunsik is my oppa"

*oppa? She already has a boyfriend?*

My smile faltered and I was silent the rest of the drive.


*mimi POV*

"Gomawo sunbaenim" I bowed when I got out of his car.

"N-no problem" he answered before walking off first into the building.

I followed him straight into the elevator and pressed the third floor.

The silence in the 4-by-4 little elevator was deafening. Why has the mood changed so much in the last few minutes??


The doors opened and I was met by three boys.

"Oppa!" I called to Hyunsik before hugging him.


The doors started to close again and I noticed that Yoseob hadn't gotten out.

"Yah dongsaeng." Hyunsik laughed before the doors closed.

"Hey mimi how was your practise?" Asked Changsub.

"Eo, it was great oppa" I told him, releasing the hug from Hyunsik.

"How about coming to dinner with us later?" Asked il-hoon.

"Mian, but the director has called a company meal. I'm meant to be there at eight" I told them.

"Ooooooh, was that why yoseobbie was with you just?" Asked Changsub oppa.

"Yah! Stop involving my sister in things that aren't true" Hyunsik oppa complained.

"Well, I need to go to the office to fill in my time sheet. I'll see you guys later" I waved to them all before walking down the corridor towards my future managers office.


"Annyeong unnie, I'll be back just before midnight" I called before leaving my dorm and bumping into someone.

"Oh, mianhada" I apologised whilst bowing.

"M-mimi!" Exclaimed Yoseob.

*Yoseob POV*


Just before the elevator doors closed I heard Hyunsik call mimi 'dongsaeng'

I instantly felt my heart relieve itself and I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding.

*end flashback*

"M-mimi!" I was shocked when I realised who I had bumped into.

Out eyes connected and that was when I realised that the relationship we have on stage, is the relationship that I want; a loving romance in which we would die for each other if needs be.


AN: thank you for reading part 1 of Romeo and Juliet. I hope you liked the Kdrama ending I added hehe.

Be on the look out for PART 2 very shortly!

See you then 😀😀

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