BTS - Jungkook

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*Jieun POV*

"Omo, there he is" whispered my best friend, Mia.

"Shh, don't let him hear you" i blushed as Jungkook entered the class room.

"Are you going shy again?" she whispered.

I took my book out of my bag, completely ignoring her words.

"Aren't you two friends?" she questioned me once more, just before Jungkook stopped infront of our table.

"Jieun, lets meet by the gate after school" he smiled sheepishly before rubbing the back of his neck with my hand.

"Yeah, sure" i smiled, blushing as soon as he left.

"Omo, Jieun what was that all about?" Mia whispered squealed whilst shaking my arm.

"W-we sometimes walk home together" i smiled, the thought that we do actually go home together, stuck in my mind.


"It's not what you think, Mia. We live next door to each other and he offered to walk me home. Now it's a regular thing" i informed her before she had one of her ideas again.

"But you do like him though, don't you?" she asked.

"What's with all the questions huh?" i questioned back, trying to change the topic. Of course i like Jungkook, i'd be mad not to. The only thing that has stopped me from developing further feelings for him is that he's a Kingka. Him and his group of friends, known as Bangtan Boys, or BTS for short, are the most popular boys in our school, and are also good looking, making them the kingkas that rule the school.

People have different ideas on what a kingka is and how a kingka acts, like my friend Mihyun who thinks that all Kingkas and Queenkas are horrible and rule the school the way they want to. There are also people like me and Mia, who think that what people like Mihyun think is right, yet there are certain exceptions. Jungkook, and the rest of BTS are that exception. They are so kind and never cause any harm on anyone, and that's one of the reasons as to why they're so popular. I once saw J-Hope tutoring a girl in the library, and Mia swears blind to this day that she saw RapMon teaching someone how to dance.


"Bye Jieun" Mia bid me good bye and walked off, not without wiggling her eyebrows first, making me blush and internally giggle.

With what Mia has been saying all day, i can't help but feel nervous as i pack the rest of my things into my bag and walk towards the schools entrance.

*Jungkook POV*

*She's just perfect. The way she smiles, the way she acts around her friends, the way she eats. Everything about Jieun is so perfect.* i thought as i saw Jieun smiling as she made her way towards me.

"Ready?" i asked her, my heart beating a million times per minute.

"D-deh" she answered, stuttering a little, making my heart beat faster, if thats even possible.

*How should i ask her?* i thought *Should i just come out with it? Or write her a letter? Write her a letter?!?!How lame. RRGH, it's really frustrating, maybe hyung can help me*

My thoughts were interupted when Jieun spoke, "Thank you for walking me home Jungkook, even though you only live next door" she smiled,my heart now skipping a beat.

"No problem" i smiled back, going in for a hug before i leave. "See you tomorrow", and with that i bid her goodbye before going into my house.

*Jieun POV*

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