Kim Soo Hyun

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AN: for those of you who don't know the god that is Kim Soo Hyun, he is the actor/director who plays Do Min Joo from 'my love from the Stars' and Sam dong from 'dream high 2'


*seohi POV*

"Omo!" I exclaimed as my phones alarm rang through my apartment.

I picked up my work bag, quickly found my phone and pressed sleep before running out the door of my apartment.

*Kim Soo Hyun POV*

"Aish!" I curse as I quickly drank the rest of my coffee.

It wasn't until I flipped through my schedule and saw that I'm meant to be on set for my new drama in ten minutes, that I knew I was going to be late.

Today's set is across Seoul and it usually takes me half an hour to get there.

As I ran out of my apartment, I immediately bumped into a young girl who was coincidentally running out of her apartment next door.

"Oh, mianhe!" She bowed quickly before running off down the hall.

I just followed her with my eyes as she ran towards the emergency stairwell, a bag slung over her shoulder and her light brown hair in a messy, yet on purpose, bun.


*seohi POV*

"Kamsahaminida" I thanked the taxi driver as I payed him and ran towards the entrance of my new works building.

I can't believe I'm late on my first day at work. I only just managed to get the job as well.

*please don't tell me he's already there!* I internally screamed, panicking.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry" I exclaimed as I finally reached my work room and set my bag behind the door.

"No, it's ok. I only just got here as well" I heard a males voice.

"Oh, jincha?" I asked as I picked up today's schedule to see which scene I had to prepare my client for.

"Well, let's get started!" I smile up into the mirror.

It felt like my cheeks started to heat up when I saw who was sat in the chair, ready to get their hair and make up done.

"Oh, it's you!" He smiled as he looked into my eyes through the mirror.

"" I asked, pointing to myself

"Eo, this morning you bumped into me in the hallway of our apartment complex.....I-i live next door" he stuttered.


"Kim Soo Hyun" were the only words that escaped my lips.

"Nice to meet you" he smiled.

"Y-you too"

*Oh my gosh. I live next door to the guy that I've had a crush on for ages!*

Whilst making Soo Hyun ready for his scene, we talked....a lot. I never realised that behind the tall, mysterious, handsome man, there was a cute and cheeky boy that just wanted to have a laugh.

"S-so, I'll see you later?" He asked me as he stood up.

*waaah, he's so tall*

"I guess" I answered, suddenly going shy.

Just then, there was a knock on the door.

"Hyung, five minutes" a short man with glasses spoke, holding a clip board in one hand and holding the other one up to represent the five minutes.

"Araseo, I'll be there" he smiled.

The man left leaving us two alone.

"A....are you free tonight?" He asked.

*For you, I'll be free any day of the year*

"As a matter of fact, i am free after 8" I giggled.

"Great. I'll see you then" he smiled down at me before pecking my cheek and leaving the room.

It took me a few seconds to realise that I was holding my breath.

"AHH" a tiny squeal leapt from my throat before I whispered,

"i have a date with Kim Soo Hyun"

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