Actor Minho

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*Mia POV*

"Oppa, when do you finish work?" i asked.

"In a couple hours baby, why?" asked my boyfriend who was on the other end of the phone.

"How many days do you have off afterwards?" i asked, completely ignoring his question.

"Only two days, i still have to finish off this final episode." he sighed. I nodded my head, then realised that he couldn't see me.

"Great, we should go camping then" i stated.

"M-mwo?!" he exclaimed.

"We should go camping in a caravan, just the two of us. Imagine it; just the two of us in the middle of nowhere, finally getting some peace and quiet, and time to ourselves." i dreamed. I could hear his sigh on the other end of the phone as he imagined the scene as well.

"I've got to go babe, i'll see you tonight and we can talk about it" he said.

"Ok, don't strain yourself to much, I love you" i said.

"Ok, love you too, bye" he replied.

"Bye" was the last word spoken out of my mouth before the phone call ended.

I put my phone on the glass table in front of me, picked up the remote and pressed play on the T.V. As you can tell, i don't have a job. Minho - my boyfriend - says that because he's a "famous" actor (he likes to blow his own trumpet sometimes), he earns enough money for the both of us, considering we live together. I tried arguing about it, and even got a job as a music shop assistant, but when Minho found out he made me quit. He cares for me, loves me and looks after me and that's all i could ever want.


It's now 9 p.m and Minho should be back in half an hour. I was so bored that i started to flick through the channels on the television.

Flick....Loooove is the moment!~ Flick.... up next on CBS is City Hunter Flick...."I don't know when it started either. But now, I can't be without you."

I finally settled on watching Boys Over Flowers. I swear my boyfriend is the most loved male on T.V, you can't switch to a single channel without his sexy face invading the screen and shooting you dead with his smile. Not that i mind, obviously.

I shuffled in my spot a few times to get myself comfy again and watched the drama. Before i knew it, it had ended.

"Watching me on T.V again. Even when i'm gone you can't get enough of me, can you Mia?" asked a voice right by my ear. I jumped as i didn't hear him enter the house.

"ahh, kamjagiya!(you scared me)" i exclaimed. He just started to laugh at my shocked face. He carried on teasing, still taking cover by standing behind the sofa. I turned around so i was kneeling on the sofa, whilst facing him. I grabbed his arms and pulled him over the back of the sofa, he started to laugh, which set me off in giggles as we both ended up rolling onto the floor, being careful of the table.

We came to a hault and we looked each other in the eye, still lying on the floor. The next thing we know, we are both splitting our sides from laughter, rolling on the floor. I know twelve young men that would say we were 'Rolling like buffalos". This thought made me laugh harder and i could literally feel the tears rolling down my cheek.

After we calmed down, we were just lying on the floor, still not be bothered to get up properly. "This is why i love you" i suddenly said. Minho turned so he was on his side, i copied him. He reached out and cupped my face with his hand. "You're my best friend, we've done everything together since we were little. You never forgot about me even after you became famous and i just love the fact that you are who you are. Thank you" my voice got quieter and quieter until my last two words where just whispers.

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