B.A.P - Youngguk

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*Youngguk POV*

I remember when we first met. The day you came to college wearing; http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-LJZz0KNcQ7g/TWCs3XtLILI/AAAAAAAAAA0/gxTe9I-KKM0/s1600/gossip-girl-fashion4.jpg

The way you smiled when we found out that we'd be seat partners.

The way you looked when you were just casually walking down the hallway.

I remember everything that made me fall in love with you.


"A-annyeonghaseyo, Rania-imnida" bowed a cute looking girl with milky white skin and shoulder length, curly, brown hair. 

"O-oh, Annyeonghaseyo. Youngguk-imnida" i greeted back as she sat down. Rania was wearing a black top with a cute yellow/white skirt with flower patterns on. 

Rania smiled as she took out her books. "Saem has made us seat partners huh? How come i've never seen you before?" i asked her

_=End of Flashback=_

I remember the first time i ever asked you out. The way i stuttered made me seem like such a fool. 


"Oppa, gwaenchana?" asked Rania. I had asked her to meet me by the gates after school. She looked so beautiful today, just like any other day. "D-deh. I actually w-want to a-ask you something" i stuttered.

*Oh great. Youngguk you fool* i screamed in my head. 

"What did you want to ask me?" she asked. *Wow her eyes are sparkling, i could get lo-* I realised i hadn't answered her when she raised her left hand and waved it infront of my eyes. "Oppa?" she asked. 

"O-oh, yeah. I was w-wondering if you would l-l-like to go get i-ice cream-cream" *what is this girl doing to me?!!* Rania just giggled at my shyness and nodded her head. "I'd love too" she giggled.

_=End Of Flashback=_

I remember the day it started to rain. My parents had gone to spain for the week and we were in my livingroom watching your favourite movie.


"Oppa, where are your parents?" Rania asked me. We were at my house eating the dinner that i had prepared for us. "Oh, they're on holiday. They're gone for the week so i'm home alone" i told her, wiggling my eyebrows at her. 

"Yah~ oppa" she whinned. 

After dinner we made our way to my livingroom. "Wow, so many DVDS" Rania walked straight up to my dvd collection and started to look through. I walked behind her and wrapped my arms around her waist. She was surprised at first but soon relaxed as she leant back and rested her head on my chest.

"Oppa, it's raining outside" she huffed. I rested my head on her shoulder. "Can we watch one of these movies?" she asked me. 

"Deh. Which one?" i whispered as our faces were close enough to each other. 

"This one" she spins around after picking out a DVD, "Please".

I look at the box and internally groaned. 'Grease Lightning'. 

"Sure" i let out an unsure answer. 

"Gomawo oppa" Rania smiled and kissed my cheek before going to put in the movie.

_=End of Flashback=_

I remember our first kiss


"I love that movie" said Rania as the credits to grease lightning came onto the screen. 

We were on the sofa, snuggled in each others arms. "Oppa" she called when she realised i didn't answer her. She turned to see me looking straight at her. "Oppa?"

"You're so beautiful" i told her, looking down into her eyes. Rania blushed at my comment.

I couldn't help myself any longer and i leant down and pressed my lips against her soft cherry coloured lips.

_=End Of Flashback=_

I remember our first argument.


"W-why? Why did you do it?" she asked me. Tears streamed down her face making me feel as if i've committed a murder. "I am so so sorry Rania. I didn't mean to do it. Please forgive me. I feel terrible" i begged her. I couldn't imagine my life without her.

_=End Of Flashback=_

I remember the time you actually called me by my name.


"Youngguk, we need to talk"

_=End Of Flashback=_

"Without you it's a lonely day, i miss you alot" i murmured as i look out of the window to see the cloudy, rainy day.

This oneshot was requested by pretty_rania1 on AFF I hope it's ok, and not too sad for you!

Don't forget to request a oneshot!!

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