Jhope - Maybe

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AN: I have been wanting to make a one shot for ages, but recently i haven't been motivated. I heard that BTS released a new song today (i say heard, it was ALL over my twitter feed). It's called DNA - i think....i haven't actually heard or watched it yet. I'm a bad fan, i know, i know! Anyway so in celebration of today I've written a short jhope one shot.  I hope you guys like it!!!!!!


Aimee made her way to the back of the library. This was where she found her piece of mind. Her solitude. Her happy place.

Situated between section 4; Fantasy, and section 5; Mythical, Aimee knew that within minutes she was going to be in a far off land, dancing with daring knights, swinging swords with demons, and battling black-hearted witches. What she didn't know, however, was that someone was watching her. What she didn't know, was that it was a young man. What she didn't know was that this particular young man would visit the library every Tuesday, at exactly 4pm to sit and observe Aimee. He would watch her with attentive and admirable eyes, watching as she flipped each page of her book with careful curiosity. He would smile when she smiled, he would frown when she frown, and he would wait for her to leave before picking up the book that she had finished reading, and take it home for himself.

This one distinct Tuesday afternoon was different. The young man wanted nothing more than to introduce himself to Aimee. He wanted to know everything about her; what made her happy, what made her sad, what she did in her spare time, what she did when she was busy, her likes and dislikes, even her favourite brand of shampoo- he wanted to know everything.

It was safe to say that this young man was in love with Aimee, and it had all started on a cold Decembers night.

The young man was looking high and low across town for a course book that his tutor had asked for him to get. It had been three hours of him looking for this book, and he had yet to find it. He almost gave up when the wind start to pick up.

He wrapped his leather jacket closer to his body when he noticed the orangey glow of a light shining through a window - a library window. His pace picked up, and he quickly pushed open the door with his left hand, his right clenching onto his jacket. He was instantly met with a warm, calm atmosphere, it was like time had stopped inside the little building, the complete opposite of the busy Christmas shoppers that he had met in the outside world.

He scanned the room, turning his head slightly until he found the counter, slowly walking up to the little old woman who sat behind it, reading Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice. She instantly put the book down and smiled at him. To the young man, she looked as if he was the first person she had seen all day.

"Yes dear, how can I help you?" She had asked him. He smiled back at her politely, slightly wishing he could just go home and go to sleep instead of exploring the city for a course text book.

He asked her if she had the book, and she instantly began typing on her run down XP computer. Looking back up to him, the old lady took off her glasses, and told him that he would be able to find his book in section 3; education.

The young man walked past section 1, chanting the number 3 in his head as he walked along. He soon realised that he must have gone too far as he came to section 5; Mythical. He was about to turn around to find the right section - until he heard a giggle. It was unlike anything he had heard before.

His legs started to move on their own, and he ended up standing at the end of the aisle that she was in. She was sat, leaning against the wall, her soft mousy brown hair covering her eyes ever so slightly, her long-sleeved grey jumper covering her fingers, as she flipped over the last page of the book that was resting in her jean clad thighs. The young man found that he could not stop staring at her. After a few moments of him just standing there in silence, the young woman closed her book, and was preparing to stand up. The young man instantly turned around, and pretended to be looking over the books as she walked past him, a small smile on her face.

When she disappeared from sight, the young man could not help but to stare at where she had been sitting, a dumb expression of marvel blanketed over his face, his eyes glazed, and his heart beating ten to the dozen. It took a while for him to regain his composure, and he finally found the book he was looking for.

He thought that he had seen the last of her, and he had, until he stepped out of the library, and into the cold, grinding, winter weather. It was like he had been hit in the face with the harsh reality. The reality of being as stupid as to not say anything to her. He had finally found the girl that had knocked the wind out of him, and he had let his opportunity slip through his fingers so easily.

He sighed heavily, standing under the canopy of the building, watching the rain and snow cascade onto the already slippy pavement. Tightening his jacket once again, he was about to take a step foreword when he heard a door open behind him, and he spotted the familiar mousy brown hair in the corner of his eye.

It was her!

He stopped in his step, and watched as she fastened up her long black woolly coat, and carefully placed a red woolly beret style hat on her head, pulling her hair out a little on the sides.

She noticed the young man next to her, and smiled at him, "Hello" she greeted, before starting off down the road, not giving the young man a chance to reply. His mouth opened and closed like a goldfish, as he watched her walk away from him.

That was the first and last time that the young man ever remembered talking to her. Since then, he had frequently visited the library, just to chance meeting her one more time. He found her one day though, sat leaning against the wall, just like she was a few months previous.

He returned every day just to see her. He tried to pluck up the courage to talk to her, but she was always too immersed in her book to notice him. He wished that she would just look up from her book and see him standing there. See in his eyes how much he wanted to talk to her.

Maybe one day, the young man will finally be able to speak to her. Maybe one day, the young woman will finally look up from her favourite novel to see him, the young man she had met that one Decembers night. The one man who she had never forgotten, but never knew was always just right around the corner from her.


AN: Thank you so much for reading this chapter. I know it says JHOPE in the title, but as i haven't stated any male names in the text you can just imaging whoever you like. I really like this chapter as its not very often my style of writing is like this. It tends to only happen at night though because it's ten to 12 XD. I just realised i've been working on this chapter constantly for an hour, but i wanted to publish a part just to publicise that im not finished on wattpad just yet. I have a couple years of writing left in me...hopefully aha. Xx

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