Exo - Luhan

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AN: You will understand why lay is there in a few seconds and I know Lay is younger than Luhan, but i just made him older for the purpose of the story, mian if it kills the reality of story.

*Luhan POV*

Pessimism is the tendency to expect the worst in everything. A pessimist in love is a person that is sure that there must be something wrong with the person to love them back.

That's what i am; Pessimistic. It's not that the thought of a girl is revulting to me, but the fact that if a girl does like me, there just has to be something wrong with her.

I get teased by my older brother Lay because i'm apparently 'too girly'. At first, i didn't listen to him, because to me, i was the most manliest guy ever, but over the past few years it drummed it's way into my brain and hasn't left since. As if any girl would go out with someone who is - and i quote- "prettier than them".

As for the 'Tendency to expect the worst in everything', i've been doing that since i was little. I remember one time, my friends Xiumin and Chen were going to audition for the school play, they wanted me to join in aswell, but how could i when a voice in the back of my head was constantly telling me that i would fall flat on my face during the performance and ruin it.

For the last six years I've been playing it safe, doing only the things that i saw fit enough to do. I've stayed away from girls, despite the few confessions i have recieved. Life isn't exactly a thrill for me; i only have my small group of friends and i don't go out much.


*Cho Xiao Yu's POV*

I'm not going to lie, i get nervous when meeting new people, and today is my first day at a new school. I'm not pessimistic or anything like that, i just get really awkward and have been known to create an awkward atmosphere in a room full of people.

"Have a good day at school Xiao Yu, if you have any problems, just ring me ok?" māma told me as we walked towards the front gate of my house.

"i will don't worry māma" i said as i gave her a kiss "bye bába" i waved to my dad who was standing in the door way.

"It's your first day Xiao Yu, be careful" and with that my mom and dad bid me goodbye as i walked down the road towards my new school for the first time.

*Luhan POV*

"Bye mom, bye dad" called Lay before we left the house, hearing faint 'Good bye's ' from our parents who were in the kitchen, eating their breakfast.

"Dude, did you see Jia the other day...she totally has a crush on you" Lay spoke up.
"Yeah right" i retorted. As if the cutest girl in my class had something for me...she's probably hit her head too hard.

"It's true, i've seen the way she looks at you. Man, you got to snap out of it, i was only joking when i said you were prettier than any girl i have ever met. Don't listen to me, it was just a stupid joke" he spoke again. I looked at Lay in disbelief.

After all these years, i can't help but feel that way." i told him before walking ahead of him, passing our new neighbours house where a woman and man where waving off their daughter to school, although was already half way down the street.


*Xiao Yu's POV*

"Class, today we have a new student. Please introduce yourself" Mr.Xi gestured towards me.

My brain froze *Speak..Speak!* my innervoice exclaimed.

"Is she mute?" whispered one girl.

"Awkwaaard" exclaimed a boy.

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