Monsta X - Wonho

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Tomorrow is Valentines Day and all I'm going to get is the gift of seeing Wonho's face in class. Oh Wonho, I wish he would talk to me. I've only ever spoke to him once and that was because he forgot his pen and borrowed one of mine. But his smile when he asked me for it melted my heart and ever since I have been crushing on him. We have most out classes together, but he is always sat at the back with his friends and I'm the little nerd at the front of the class. I would cast a glance to his seat and he would do his cheeky smirk and wink. My cheeks never go as red as they do when he does that. 


Waking up to my alarm buzzing at six thirty is the start of Valentines Day for me. I trudge my way into my bathroom and get ready for the day ahead. I run my hair brush through my hair a final time and sigh. "Don't get your hopes up, Riley." I say to myself as the thought of Wonho coming to me today runs through my mind. I leave my bathroom and walk down stairs. "Umma, I'm leaving!" I call down the hall before grabbing my coat and putting it on; along with my school bag. I slip my slippers off and put my shoes on before walking to my school. 


 Things were still the same, besides the fact that boys were walking up to girls giving them roses and the squeals of girls filled the halls. I watch from my locker as another couple are having a special moment together before I continue looking through my locker. I notice something fall out of my locker as I pull my book out. I look at the floor and see a piece of folded paper lay at my feet. I bend down and pick it up to read it. 

Aish, you always stand by your locker and you always look beautiful. I hope I get to see your gorgeous face today. 

I feel my cheeks burn as I hide the note back in my locker. I quickly look around to see if anyone was watching me so I could see if anyone was the reason behind the note. But I find no one. I take a deep breath and close my locker and go to my next lesson. The teacher isn't here yet so students are all in their small groups in the classroom while I go and sit in my seat at the front of the classroom. I look around the classroom and chance my luck to look at Wonho. He wasn't in his usual place with his friends, neither were any of his friends for that fact. Am I not going to even see his face on Valentines Day? 

"Can I have all the students attention please!" I turn to look up at the teacher's stand to see Wonho stood there with that gorgeous smirk on his face again. All the students cheer at Wonho and then they quieten down to listen. "Today is Valentines Day as you may all know. And I still haven't given my girl her present." This earned cheers from the class and I look around to see that the class had created a semi-circle around my desk and the teacher stand. I feel my cheeks burn as Wonho looks down at me. He walks around the teacher stand and I notice the rose he held in his right hand. I hear my heart pound in my chest as Wonho gets closer to me and then he is kneeling down beside me.

"Riley, I have been wanting you this for a very long time. I just didn't know how to put it." He nervously chuckles as he rubs the back of his neck and looks up at me. Some of the students were whistling and making silly noises as they watched us and I couldn't help but feel my cheek burn more than they already were.

"Riley, will you be my girlfriend?" His words made me freeze from shock and worry. Was he just playing a trick on me? Was he actually being truthful? I have been crushing on him for a very long time and I have always dreamt of this moment. So, what I have really got to lose with him? If he is asking me then surely I'm not going to deny him.

I take the rose gently from his hand and nod my head as the class begin to cheer and whistle again as Wonho and I both stand up and he pulls me into his embrace. I wrap my arms around his shoulders as he wraps his arms around my waist.

"My gift to you is me. I hope you can enjoy your present as much as I hope you do." He whispers into my ear and I giggle as we pull away from one another as the teacher walks into the classroom.

From that day on, my Valentines Day's were full of Wonho and his surprises he always plans without telling anyone. 


AN: This one shot was requested by Damien_Alley on AFF, and was written by Casper!!

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