SHINee - Minho

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Being best friends with an idol is hard work. From the fans either watching you closely to find any signs of you dating him or if you are actually friends to all reporters trying to stir rumours about us. It can be frustrating at times, but overall I'm glad I have Minho as my best friend. He is kind and generous. Not to mention handsome, so I have a really cute best friend who never fails to make me smile or laugh.

We stay at each other's houses quite a bit, without being noticed by any reporters or fans of course. So it's nothing out of the ordinary when Minho shows up in my house one night and has a bag with him.

"May-ah! I'm here!" I hear his deep voice yell as I'm standing in the kitchen making dinner.

"I'm in the kitchen!" I yell back so he can make his way to me and say a proper hello. He walks in and I see that he has come straight from the SM building as he is all sweaty and red cheeked.

"If you even think about touching me before you shower, then I'm going to flick your head," I warn him as I point my wooden spoon at him, causing him to chuckle. He hands up his hands in surrender and smiles at me.

"Fine, I'll go shower. But I expect you be waiting for me with open arms when I get back." He tells me before leaving to go upstairs to the bathroom.

He is always like this when he comes over. It's cute, don't get me wrong but I keep getting a strange feeling in my stomach when he requests such things. I shake the feeling off again as I continue to cook.

When Minho returns to the kitchen, I'm done cooking and I have set our food out on the counter. I turn to him and open my arms with a smile on my face. He returns my smile and pulls me into his embrace with his left hand on the back of my head and his right on the lower part of my back; while my arms comfortably around his waist.

"I missed you this week, May. I don't want to ever be away for that long again." He sighs as he pulls out the hug and turns to pick his food as I do the same. We go sit on the floor in my living room and put our food on the small table and begin to eat.

"How is the new song coming along?" I ask before putting food in my mouth.

"Great! We were just working on the choreography today." He replies and smiles as he looks at the corner of my mouth. I frown at him as he picks up a napkin and reaches across the table and wipes the corner of my mouth. "How are you always making a mess of your pretty face?" At his words, I feel my cheeks burn as I feel the strange feeling in my stomach again.

"Oppa!" I squeal as I playfully hit him on the arm and he laughs at me. And the night continued like that, he would make comments about my looks and hug more than usual and I would just be red as a tomato.

When I was in the bathroom getting ready for bed after Minho had finished in there, I never realised he had fallen asleep in my bed. I shake my head as I walk over to him and gently shake his shoulder to try and wake him up."Yah! Get out of my bed!" I yell at him but he just groans and curls up into a ball. I huff in defeat as I go to the other side of my bed and lay down. I roll over and face him as he straightens his body out and opens his left eye. He pulls me towards him as I squeal and then my face is buried in his chest.

"Yah! What are you doing?!" I squeal as I hit his chest repeatedly. He grabs my hands and stops me from hitting him and makes me look up to him. My cheeks were burning and my heart was pounding in my chest. "Oppa?" I ask with a shaky voice as I notice how close his face was to my own. His warm breath was brushing against my face and I'm pretty sure he could feel my breath against his own. I close my eyes to stop from looking at his face when I feel a soft and warm sensation against my lips. My eyes widen in shock as I realise that Minho's lips were on my own. His eyes were closed as he held me close to himself as he continued to move his lips against mine. I froze for a while but I began to move my lips against his.

I won't say that I don't like what he is doing to me; because that is a lie. I will admit that I have always wondered what it would be like to kiss Minho. I have watched him kiss other girls in dramas, but I have always wondered what his lips would feel like. So, I'm kind of glad that he has kissed me but I'm also scared about what this will mean for us.

Minho pulls away from lack of air and we both breathe heavily to catch our breaths. I look up at him as he smiles at me and I hide my face in his chest. "May, what's wrong?" He asks me as he strokes the back of my head. I shake my head as a response and he stops stroking the back of my head as he rests his chin on the top of my head and holds me tightly.

"I have a confession for you, May." He sighs as I turn my head so I can see his arm and can breathe better than I was in his chest. "Saranghae May," He whispers and I close my eyes as tears burn behind my eyes and I didn't want them to fall.

"You can't love me, Oppa." I whimper and he pulls away from me enough to see my face.

"What are you talking about? Of course, I can." He smiles at me and I look away from his face.

"You could get in so much trouble because of me. What about your fans? They don't want their Oppa to be taken by someone as ugly as me." I tell him and I feel him pull me back into his embrace.

"You aren't ugly May. You're the most beautiful girl I know. No one can ever match to you and the fans would support me with my decision. I'm not going to give up on you." Minho speaks softly and I can hear through his tone that he meant every single word he said. I hold onto his shirt without pulling too hard on it.

"Oppa." I whimper as tears begin to fall down my face and I feel his lips press agains the top of my head as he assures me everything will be okay for us.

So being a best friend to an idol was no longer hard, as I become his girlfriend. Like he said, the fans supported him and they supported us. I saw that I don't need to be scared of anything with him. He is the best thing to ever happen to me and I'm so happy to have him in my life. 


AN: AN: I hope you enjoy this Ham_Minji! I wanted to post it as fast as I could so I hope it is what you wanted for your one shot! :3

- Casper <--- My amazing co-auther and best friend (in real life) on AFF!!

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