Chapter One: Iker's Decision

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"You want to do what?" Carmen Casillas gasped staring at her eldest son in shock, she knew he'd been a little down since things had ended with Sara but she had never thought he would say something like this. 

Iker Casillas sighed and looked at his mother, he had known that she would be a bit upset about this but he had made up his mind; he wanted to become a father and he saw no reason that he shouldn't be one. 

"I'm tired of waiting to settle down madre," Iker muttered running his fingers through his hair, he wanted this so much and he hoped that his parents could understand. 

José Luis Casillas watched his son, he wasn't surprised that Iker wanted to do something like this and he was sure that his eldest had through this through properly. 

"But you could wait for the right woman," Carmen murmured not wanting Iker to rush into this, any woman would be lucky to have a man like him and have his children; she just didn't want Iker making a mistake and regretting it. 

"I thought Sara was the right woman," Iker replied shaking his head, it had been a mutual break-up for him and his former girlfriend but it didn't make it any easier; they had parted because they both wanted different things in life. 

Carmen closed her eyes, she had been so sure that Iker would have married Sara and settled down; it had been upsetting when the couple had ended things but she guessed it was for the best instead of ending in divorce. 

"I've made my decision madre... I want to be a padre," Iker murmured looking down at his hands, he was sure that there was no way that he would find the right woman before he reached his forties; he didn't want to be an old father who didn't have time to spend with his children. 

Iker wanted to enjoy fatherhood and he wanted his child to know what it was like to be at Real Madrid before he retired; his time at the club was running out and he didn't even want to admit that.

"Are you sure about this Iker?" José Luis asked trying to calm his wife, he didn't want anyone fighting over this when it was clear that there would be no changing Iker's mind now that he had made the decision. 

Carmen looked at her husband wondering if he had lost his mind, there was no way that they could let their son doing this; it would only end in tears and people would talk. 

"I'm sure," Iker said nodding his head, he smiled at his father glad that he was being supportive; it wasn't as if he had just come up with the idea and decided to go with it, he had thought about this for months. 

Carmen scoffed before she got to her feet and walked out, she couldn't believe that José Luis was supporting this crazy idea; she headed for the kitchen not wanting to hear any more about Iker's crazy idea to become a father. 

"Give her some time... this isn't how she imagined you becoming a padre," José Luis murmured smiling at his son, it wasn't going to be simple but he was glad that Iker had spoken with them first before he had done anything. 

Iker nodded, he looked towards the kitchen hoping that his mother would understand why he was doing this one day; he wanted a family and hiring a surrogate was the only way it was going to happen anytime soon. 

"I hope so," Iker whispered trying to ignore the ache in his chest, he hadn't meant to upset his mother and he knew that she wanted him to be happy; it just wasn't how she had pictured it ever happening. 

If Carmen had her way then Iker would have married a wonderful Spanish woman and had many babies with her, but it wasn't going to happen and Iker doubted that it ever would. 

The only way he saw to become a father was for him to have one with a surrogate.


"You're doing what?" Sergio Ramos shouted stunned staring at Iker, he had known that things weren't going well for his friend but he had never imagined that this would be what he would do. 

Iker rolled his eyes, everyone seemed to have that response when it came to his decision and he didn't care; he was going to have a baby and this was how he had decided to do it. 

"Are you out of your mind?" Sergio continued trying to work out if Iker was joking, he hoped that his friend was because what he had said was stupid; Iker deserved better than some surrogate baby, he deserved to actually settle down. 

The locker room was silent while Iker's announcement settled, he might not have found a surrogate that he liked yet but he didn't want to keep this a secret; he was going to be a father and he knew his friends wouldn't say anything. 

"I get Ronaldo doing this but not you," Álvaro Arbeloa mused grinning at the glare that he got from Cristiano Ronaldo, it was no secret that Cristiano didn't like anyone bringing his son into a conversation like this. 

Cristiano shook his head, he had done his best to keep his son safe and he wasn't going to let a petty argument turn into something worse. 

"I'm happy for you Iker... you deserve to be happy," Cristiano said smiling at Iker, he could understand why Iker had decided on this route and he hoped that everyone wouldn't give their captain any grief. 

The season was at an end and soon they would all be heading off to the World Cup in Brazil, they could only hope that things went well with their own national teams. 

"Gracias," Iker replied with a smile, he was sure if Cristiano managed to raise his son on his own with such a busy life that it would be no problem for him; he just needed to find the right woman to carry his baby for nine months, it wasn't going to be an easy task.

Slowly each of Iker's team-mates moved to congratulate him, they did want him to be happy and they hoped he knew what he was getting himself into.

Iker took a deep breath and ran his fingers through his dark hair, he wanted nothing more than to have a little boy or girl in his life; he wanted to be a father so bad and he was prepared for the consequences. 

Iker could only imagine what his life would be like when the press found out about his plans, he saw how they attacked Cristiano for being a single father when they didn't have all of the facts. 

Cristiano was a wonderful father and yet that didn't seem to matter to the papers when they spread lies about who Junior's mother could be; they only cared about the money they would make. 

"Good luck Iker," Cristiano murmured walking passed his captain with a small smile, he was sure when they returned to club duty in July that Iker would well be on his way to having what he wanted most in his life. 

Iker only nodded his head, there was still so much to do and he had possible surrogates to meet before he went to Brazil; he was hoping that he would have everything nailed down so that it would be all sorted for when he came home. 

Iker wanted a baby and he didn't care what anyone else thought about his decision, he was sure they would all be happy for him when he had a tiny version of him in his arms; he wanted that more than anything. 

Shaking his head as he pulled on his jacket, Iker wondered what it would be like the moment that his baby was born; he could already imagine the midwife handing the baby over after they had been born. 

It made Iker's heart ache knowing he'd have to wait nine months for that to happen, he wanted nothing more for his dreams to become a reality; it was so close and yet still so far from him. 

Iker vowed that he wasn't going to stop until he became a father for the first time. 

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