Chapter Sixteen: Valley of the Kings

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"Are you okay?" Adriana asked peeking at Iker curious about why he kept staring at her, the two had travelled to the Valley of the Kings early that morning and it was already starting to get hot.

Iker nodded his head looking away from Adriana, he couldn't help himself from staring at her; she looked beautiful today in her coral plain jersey dress and white crochet shrug paired with beige sandals; he knew that he would have to get used to this.

"Fine," Iker replied smiling at Adriana, pregnancy suited her well and it still made him so happy to think that it was his baby growing inside of her.

Adriana only nodded her head, she watched Iker for a moment knowing that there was something on his mind; she couldn't imagine why he kept staring at her like that.

The two had enjoyed their first couple of days in Egypt and had decided that a trip to see some of the sights was needed; they didn't want to spend their entire trip in the hotel when there was so much for them to see.

"Have you been here before?" Iker asked curiously as they walked through the valley, he didn't want things to be awkward between them and he knew that this holiday was going to be good for them.

Adriana paused looking at Iker before shaking her head, she was a little embarrassed to admit that she had never actually been on a holiday before; Marco was always far too busy for that.

"No," Adriana murmured shaking her head, she carried on walking knowing that she didn't want to discuss her life with Marco; being around Iker had started to make question her relationship with her fiancé.

Marco had never done any of the things that Iker had done for her, she actually felt special when she was with Iker yet she knew that he didn't feel the same for her; she had a lot on her mind and she had to choose her next step carefully.

Iker caught up with Adriana easily, he knew not to push her too much and he was a little curious about her life with Marco; he had never met the man but he was jealous of him.

"How are things going with your shop?" Iker asked deciding to change the subject, he only knew as much as Xavi had told him about what Adriana did but he knew that she was probably good at it.

Adriana was going to be living with him for months and Iker wanted them to at least be on good terms even if she wasn't here to stay; he was always going to have a small part of her when she left.

"Things are going well, I was thinking about expanding but Marco thinks it's a bad idea," Adriana replied smiling, she loved her little boutique and she was sure that in time she would get her chance to open another one day when things were better off.

Iker frowned at the idea that Marco was holding Adriana back, he knew that she worked hard for everything that she had and she deserved to do what she wanted with her business.

"You want to open another shop?" Iker guessed as they continued on admiring the scenery around them, it was a beautiful place and there was no denying that the pharaoh had picked one hell of a place to be buried.

Adriana nodded her head, she was almost glad that she had picked up her straw sun hat as the sun continued to climb in the sky; she could feel the heat starting to build.

"I wanted to but Marco doesn't think that it's a good idea," Adriana murmured a little embarrassed that she was talking about this with Iker; Marco was starting to sound less and less appealing with every word that she said.

Iker didn't need to hear about her issues with her fiancé, he had enough on his own plate right now and he wouldn't want to care about what was going to happen with her relationship.

"Where did you plan to open?" Iker asked curiously, he didn't care what Marco thought about this only that he was holding Adriana back from doing what she loved; he wanted to know what she wanted and not someone else's plans for the future. 

Adriana almost tripped in surprise that he wanted to her more about her stalled plans, she stared at him as she felt her heart pound in her chest.

"Madrid," Adriana murmured trying to focus on what she was doing, she brushed some hair from her face as Iker watched her; she had no idea why he was so interested in her when she was just carrying his baby.

Iker nodded his head, he had a feeling that Marco was holding Adriana back for a reason and he hated the man for getting in the way of her dreams; Xavi was right, Marco only saw her as something pretty to wear on his arm for events.

"Why don't you do it when we return to Madrid?" Iker suggested softly, he wanted Adriana to be happy and he knew that opening up another shop in Madrid would be perfect for her especially since it gave her a link to the city where he and the baby would live.

Adriana and Iker moved out of the sun stepping into one of the tombs that was open, it felt nice to be out of the sun and the walls were so beautiful decorated; they moved through the tomb admiring it before she spoke again.

"I couldn't do that," Adriana replied softly, she knew that things were hard enough with the fact that she was carrying a baby for Iker and they had a wedding coming up.

Adriana didn't think now would be a good time and Marco would be upset if she ignored his advice; she didn't want to fight with him when things were bad enough.

"Why because Marco says so," Iker murmured pulling Adriana to a stop, he gently tugged her towards him knowing that he wasn't going to let that man ruin her life not while he was a part of it.

Adriana opened her mouth as her blue eyes stared up at Iker's brown ones, she didn't know what it was but she knew that she had to stop herself before she did something stupid.

"Let me help you," Iker mumbled stepping closer to Adriana, he had no intentions of letting her slip through his fingers before his time; he hated to think what he would do when he had to let her go. 

Adriana swallowed unable to look away from Iker, she had no idea what she was going to say to this; she closed her eyes as Iker gently brushed his fingers against her cheek and he held her close.

"Iker..." Adriana whispered feeling her heart pound against her rib cage, she could feel the connection between them and she knew that nothing could happen between them not when she had Marco.

Iker gently kissed her cheek, he wasn't going to be the reason that her relationship fell apart with Marco; but he did want her to know that there was more options for her than what she had right now.

The next eight months were going to be long for them and Iker doubted that things were going to get easier between them especially when things were only going to get stronger between them.

"Just say the word Adi," Iker murmured softly, he held her close as he kissed her other cheek; he had noticed how things were changing for them and he wished that there was more that he could say to her right now.

Adriana closed her eyes and nodded her head, she couldn't believe that she hadn't realised it before; she rested her head against Iker's and wished that things where simpler for them.

Iker wrapped his arms around Adriana and held her close, it was a good step and he knew that until she ended things with Marco that nothing could happen between them.

Iker wanted Adriana to think about her relationship with Marco, she deserved better and it was time that she realised that; he wanted her to be happy and she clearly wasn't with the doctor.

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